Free Money; Seriously, Free Money:



I have heard and read the above statement more than a hundred times. Millions of tools and techniques have been suggested on how to make money easily and effortlessly. Although some of these tools do actually work, they miss out the most important part of the equation…the Mind.  Attracting more money is a matter of the mind. It requires us to erase the resistance, self-limiting beliefs about money, negative stories about money, worry, doubt and sadness, in order for us to identify the right paths and strategies to effortlessly make money.

free money

The mind plays a major role in our decisions and actions. If our minds are filled with blockages about what we are trying to achieve, we are sowing our seeds on rocks; nothing will be harvested. The idea is to let go of what is in the way in order to clear the runway for attracting money easily and effortlessly. It is about working smart and not hard.


Assignment: make two lists.

  1. List 1. Write down 10 negative thoughts or stories that you have about money.
  2. List 2. Write the opposite of all the points you made in list 1. For instance, if you gave a negative thought about money in list 1 as “Money creates crime,” in list 2, write; “Money creates peace.” 
  3. Burn list 1.
  4. Read list 2 twice a day for the next 30 days. This will help you erase the negative prompters in your mind about money, and then instill new positive ones.

Remember; it is not the hard work or conscious desire for money that attracts it. It is our unconscious minds that design our destiny.

Dollars funnel.

If you want to get more personal, please contact me for a 30 min complimentary mind investigation Session to evaluate your money blocks, and then design a personalized strategy to help you attract money, and hence enable you to live life on your terms.

Love and light

Jacinta Mariah, Ph.D.

Master EFT Practitioner, Theta Healer and Ho’oponopono Advanced Practitioner

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