It Will Never be Okay…….

“It will never be okay; because it always is as soon as you perceive it that way.” ~ Dr. Jacent Mpalyenkana-Murray

When we go through experiences we perceive as challenges, we always hope that they turn out to be okay, sooner than later. However, because perception is projection, we perceive things as we are and not as they are. This brought me to the conclusion that everything is always okay when we perceive it as okay. However, how do we project situations as okay when we are projecting from an inner world filled with negativity?

Let me use the scenario of an image in a mirror. If you want the image in the mirror to change, you don’t break the mirror: you change the image. Equally, if you want your experiences to change, cleanse your subconscious mind, which is the storage of your projections, and then instill new positive prompters or programs based upon which you will perceive the world.

How do you cleanse your subconscious mind you may ask?

Well, I have a power-filled resource for you. In my newest book, Command: 21 Days of Counseling and Affirmative Prayers to Cleanse Your Subconscious Mind and Command Your Life back to Divine Order, you will get to do a thorough cleanse of your subconscious mind and then instill new positive and powerful prompters upon which the projections of your experiences will be based.

Remember, change is movement; change is action. If you want anything to change, move…. act.


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