Reiki Energy Healing and Transmission for Peace

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of alternative therapy commonly referred to as energy healing. It emerged in Japan in the late 1800’s and is said to involve the transfer of universal energy from the practitioner’s palms to their patient. 

As a Reiki Master, I use the technique to channel healing energy from the universe to others in need. In our current environment, I’m certain that we could all use some divine peace to settle our active minds, and infuse our senses with peace. 

In this session, I offer a reiki energy healing and peace transmission, to activate peace in your beingness. 

Just lay back and listen with your eyes closed. And let the healing take place. 

Limitless love


Identify the Positives in Our Current Global Environment| Empowerment through Fear|

Loss gives a chance for an upgrade.”

~ Dr. Jacent M Mpalyenkana-Murray, PHD, MBA

There is always something good in every situation. The law of duality ensures that good and bad happen simultaneously: they support each other in being recognized. Note that you will never define or know what’s good without knowing what is bad. Good, aids us in identifying and defining bad. Day helps us to identify night. So, no matter how bad you’ve perceived your current situation to be, there is also something good at the other end of your perceptive instincts. It’s a matter of drifting your attention from what you’ve perceived as bad to the possibility of identifying what is good.


In this video, I explain more.

Remember that even a dark, stormy and thundering sky eventually clears up. Everything that comes must go. Every “thing” is temporary. This too will pass…you will see.

Limitless love

Soothing Meditation to Take You Through Hard Times |

Times are not necessarily the best. So, we have to close our physical eyes and go within in order to see the truth with our inner eyes.

Let this meditation soothe and remind you of your true nature. May you remember who you are. And may this truth remind you that everything that comes in our experiences, goes. Everything is temporary. This too will pass.

“Regardless of what challenge you are facing right now, know that It has not come to stay, it has come to pass.” ~ Les Brown

Limitless love

Powerful Prayer to Release all Success Blocks|

If you are feeling stuck and believe that something is blocking you from achieving success, you can invoke the presence of God within you, and use the power of your words, infused with your faith to release and let go of all success blocks that could be logged in your beingness.

The prayer below, is a powerful script that will help you release all success blocks. Say the prayer with emotion and intention, for a couple of days. Believe that your words have power. And most importantly remember that the presence of God dwells within you, and this presence can overcome all human-based challenges. So, trust it. Trust yourself!

Check out this video with the prayer. 


I now recognize the presence of God within me.

I now release and let go of all prior notions of being separate from God.

And I now call upon this power of God within me to release, resolve and help me to let go of all success blocks that could be dwelling within me.

I invoke Christ consciousness

I invoke the Holy Spirit

I invoke all my guardian angels and their healing teams.

Come and partner with me in this process of letting go of all resistance to healing.

Transform my words into a powerful creative force.

And infuse my consciousness with faith that heals, creates and moves mountains.

Take a few deep breaths and be silent for a minute or so.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my root chakra.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my sacral chakra.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my solar plexus

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my heart chakra.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my throat chakra.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my third eye.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my crown chakra.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my short term and long term memory.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my conscious and subconscious minds.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my left and right brains.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my aura.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my emotional body.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my spiritual body.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my intellect.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my spirit.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my bloodlines, mother’s side and father’s side.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my DNA.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my blood.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from all my organs.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my bones.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my nerves, veins, muscles and cells.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my circulatory system.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my digestive and excretory system.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my endocrine system.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my integumentary system.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my immune system.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my lymphatic system.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my muscular system.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my nervous system.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my urinary system.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my mitochondria.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my name.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from all systems in my being-ness.

I now denounce the existence of this success block, its energetic and physical manifestations from my conditioning.

I now denounce the existence of all attachments, perceptions, relationships, memories, contracts, codes and root causes of this success block, its, from all areas of my life and all parts of my being-ness.

And as this success block is denounced, it is also resolved, dissolved and transmitted into vibrations of love and light.

I now anoint all areas of my life and all parts of my being-ness with the Holy Spirit’s holy oil.

And this holy oil, is cleansing, soothing, renewing, rejuvenating, and balancing all areas of my life, and all parts of my being-ness.

Thank you, God within me.

Thank you, Christ consciousness.

Thank you, Holy Spirit

Thank you, all my guardian angels.

Thank you for partnering with me to heal my life.

Right here and right now

I am one with God.

I am one with good.

I am free.

I am freedom itself.

And I seal this process with divine love and wisdom.

Limitless love


Winning The Game of Fear: Based on a True Story

getty_sb10064912a-001_98952It was my turn to go. And to go, I mean to walk on the hot, red, shimmering coals spread out in front of me. 

It was the year 2015, and I was at a Tony Robbins’, Unleash The Power Within, 3 Days Intensive seminar. Earlier that day, Tony prepared our minds for over 5 hours and assured us that fear is just a thought. And I believed him. I was pumped up, screaming at the top of my voice with others, and I was extremely excited at the chance of walking on those coals without fear stopping me. I knew that I could do it. I was ready to do it, until….until it was my turn to walk across the coals. 

Suddenly, I felt paralyzed. I felt as if my blood was boiling and about to explode through my skin. I started visualizing my feet freshly burned to the bones. My mind started presenting many horrifying scenarios that could happen if I walked on the coals. Fear overtook me. Without even realizing I started reversing–walking backwards to run for dear life.

Suddenly, an attendant grabbed my hand before I disappeared into the crowd and persuaded me to walk on the coals. “You can do this. Fear is just a thought, and you are way bigger than it.” She said.

“Don’t think” said the attendant. “Do” She screamed in my face. 

downloadAt that point, I stumbled across the hot coals, and at the end of the exercise I felt a sense of thrill, and I was beyond excited. I had done it. I had walked on the hot coals without getting burned. I felt like a hero. So, I lined up and walked on the coals one more time to reinforce my new belief….”I can always win the game of fear if I don’t give it my attention.”

So, if you are afraid to do something that you believe will progress your life, simply deny this fear your attention and move forward. The fear could still prevail in your mind. But don’t let it influence your decisions. Just let it be and turn your attention away from it towards your desired action. 

Globally, we are currently faced with the consequences of the coronavirus. And the ego is at work using different channels amidst us to create more fear. As it seems, the fear of this virus is proving to be more impactful than the virus itself. It is my humble opinion that we shouldn’t let fear manipulate our actions. We can still take preventive action without fear.

Remember, fear shadows clarity, corrupts decision making and cripples positive action. 

Limitless love

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana-Murray, PHD, MBA

Spiritual Counselor, Coach, Author, Speaker

How to Break Bad Habits |Transformational Counseling|

unnamedAre ready to let go of a bad habit?

Don’t we all?

To start, we come to conclude that a habit is bad for us because every time we indulge in it we feel a sense of guilt or regret. There is a part of us that knows that we could do better or should be doing something different. However, sometimes it is easier said than done to let go of a bad habit completely.

So, how do you do it?

How do you break the routine and start developing a more positive habit?

How do you stop your mind from persuading you to indulge in the bad habit?

In this video, I share 3 tips designed to help you understand how your mind triggers bad habits and how to stop.

Interested in more deep personalized work?

Please reach out to me at

Limitless love



Life is not Hard or Simple: life is….


We have a tendency of saying that life is hard, simple, great, etc. However, if we look closely at what we imply we realize that we are referring to our experiences. When we perceive our experiences as good or great, we claim that life is good or great. When our perceived experiences are unpleasant we conclude that life is hard or unpleasant. However, if we refrain from defining and perceiving experiences and just witness them as they are, we realize that life is. It is a force within us that I also believe is the spark of God within us. Even when our bodies are ill, as long as we still have breath in our lungs with our hearts still beating, life is. And yes, in life there are experiences however life in its totality is not experience. One can be inwardly totally empty without experiencing anything yet still be alive. Therefore, it is my conclusion that life is not good, bad, tough or easy. It just is if we do not entangle it with our experiences. This also means that we can choose to accept all situations when they occur and refrain from defining them or dictating how they should have been. When a situation manifests, we can observe it as is. Even if we need to take action there’s no law in the universe that demands of us to feel sad, stressed, perturbed, or generate any other negative emotion in order to take action. We can take action from a place of pure witnessing with unwavering faith that what has to be done shall be done.

By understanding that life is a distinct force within us provided and supported by only its giver, God…Creator, we also understand that without life, there is no experience. Life happens first, and then experience follows. With that in mind we can be grateful for what’s truly important…life. We can be in awe of this gift called life regardless of our perceived experiences.

If you doubt this notion and have concluded that indeed your life is hard, take time to inwardly search for what this “hard life” looks like visually. If you do this exercise earnestly you will witness the mind leading you to a memory or memories of your experiences.

In the meantime, I hope that you can just be grateful for life, as a distinct force and gift from the Creator, God. 

Endless love

Dr. Jacinta M M Murray is a spiritual counselor, Reverend, transformational coach, speaker and author. For more about her, please visit

Don’t Let Naysayers De-rail you From Your Pursuits ||Inspirational

“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” ~ Winston Churchill

Do not let naysayers negatively influence your actions. Preserve your attention. Hold your focus tightly on what you want. 

Listen to more in this video.

Interested in taking more positive actions? Buy these self-healing books designed with your emotional freedom in mind.


Love and light


Advanced EFT with Inner child work to resolve Daddy Issues – Session 1 |

Daddy issues will not discriminate against you whether you are a man or woman, and/or the choice of your sexuality. Implying that, as a child if your father wasn’t the man you expected or wanted him to be, this is going to affect your adult relationships. Note that your father’s behavior whatever it was, has determined your beliefs about men in general. The relationship you had or didn’t have with your father is the foundation upon which you know how to relate with your partner(s), and other people.

In these EFT series I will be using EFT (The Emotional Freedom Technique) to help you to resolve conflicts and negative stories reflecting on your father.

Please remember to go through this session for at least 14 days for it to be effective.

If you want more personalized sessions send me an email at Or simply visit my website at and follow the instructions of how to sign up for a session.

In the interim, I’m sending you abundant love from love from my heart to yours.

Love and light