Ho’oponopono to Clear a Problem in Your Life|Tapthegood.com

By repeating or listening to the four Ho’oponopono statements as you focus on an issue(s) in your life, you clear the attachment to, relationship with, resonance with, and belief in the issue. Go through this session twice a day for as long as you please until you feel relieved and free from the issue.

You can also listen at the end of each day to clear your mind and have more restful sleep. Trust your inner guidance and God within you to do the work through these magical statements.

Love and light

193 Serenity Quotes to Inspire and Empower – Book link – https://www.amazon.com/193-Serenity-Quotes-Inspirational-Empowering-ebook/dp/B07YHH6MTL

Advanced EFT Scripts to heal and align the chakras – book link – https://www.amazon.com/Advanced-Scripts-Heal-Align-Chakras/dp/1076236073

For all your spiritual healing solutions – http://www.tapthegood.com

Feel-Good Affirmations to Recharge


Sometimes the world has a way of bringing us down especially when we unconsciously allow it. Experiences tend to reduce our self-concept and encroach on our happiness. However, just because we are human, we have what it takes to retrain our minds to choose good feelings. It’s in our divine nature. We can choose to feel good regardless of whatever is happening in our external world. Although at times this is not easy, it is doable.

Note that repetition has been known to reprogram the unconscious mind with new prompters.  Therefore, if you are feeling down, or need some quick inspiring affirmations, this video will do just that…inspire and uplift you.

Listen to this video repetitively to reprogram your unconscious with a behavior of choosing to experience more positive feelings in spite of external occurrences.

In the interim, be well.

Love and divine anointing



When is the Last Time that You Thanked Your Body?- A morning Gratitude Guided Meditation

How do you start your day?


Do you wake up  cursing your alarm? Or maybe you smile in gratitude for the gift of another day?

When is the last time that you thanked your body?

In this 7 minutes guided  meditation, you will get to focus on your body, acknowledge its functions and be grateful for what the body does for you.

Link to video – https://youtu.be/Yk7JhGZOZvU

Remember, the body is the house of your soul. Be grateful for it.

Love and light


By Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA

Author, Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Speaker





Four Tips to Deal with Rejection: Part 2:

In part 1 of this article, “How to Deal with Rejection – based on a personal story”, I shared a personal story about one of my childhood experiences of rejection. I’m certain that you or someone you know has gone through similar or maybe even worse experiences.

In this article, I share 4 tips that helped me deal with rejection and build a healthier self-esteem. And although I appreciate the fact that your experiences or those of your loved ones might be different, I’m also certain that anyone will be able to customize these tips and make them their own in order to resolve any rejection related emotional issues that they might be experiencing.

Tip 1: Know That no one can Reject You.

As weird as it might sound, believe me when I say that no one can actually reject you. One of the meanings of rejection is to be eliminated. And in my opinion, no one can eliminate you per-say. One might eliminate your presence from a scene, or disregard what you say, but he/she can never eliminate your existence. Chances are that what you perceive as rejection is an incident where someone probably did not resonate with, understand, or agree with whatever you were presenting or offering. However, with all due respect, this doesn’t mean that the entire awesome you was discarded.

Therefore, the first tip you can employ to deal with rejection-related emotions is to change your perception of the word, rejection and how it applies to you as an individual.

No one can reject you

Tip 2: Know that People’s Actions are Their Business.

As you deal with the rejection-related emotions, understand that perception is projection. Behavior is founded on internal representations: meaning that people behave as they have learned to, based on their beliefs and thought processes, mental, emotional and spiritual states. Everyone is doing the best they can with the internal resources they have. I’m sure you’ve heard the statement, “squeeze an orange and you get orange juice.” When someone is filled with anger, sadness or whatever other emotions that they might have, that’s exactly what’s going to come out of them as they perceive the world, as well as act. Therefore, if someone rejects something about you, this has nothing to do with you. It is their business. That’s how they know how to operate. Note that at that point in time, your presence or whatever they rejected triggered a decision within them to reject. Consequently, you can’t take things personally. And most importantly, you have to forgive them for their actions because they probably didn’t even realize that there was anything wrong with the way they acted. Just as you can’t expect mango juice to come out of an orange, you can’t expect a person filled with rudeness or anger to treat you with kindness or non-judgment.

If my actions dont concern you
Tip 3: Take 100% Responsibility Of Your Emotions:

When we take full responsibility of our negative emotions, we take our power back from whoever we have blamed for the way we feel. By taking full responsibility for the rejection-related negative emotions, we get to understand that no one has the power to make us feel a certain way; and that we have the power to heal ourselves. This process begins by identifying all those negative emotions that you are feeling. Write them down. Examine each one of them to identify the root causes. Establish if the root causes are really based on truths. For instance, if one of the negative related emotions you are dealing with is sadness, the root cause is what the person said or did, that made you believe that you are a reject. When you examine tip 1, you realize that you are not really a reject. Tip 2, is telling you that whatever the person did is not your business. Consequently, your perceptions are not founded on the truth. You are not a reject. Therefore, you just have to let the sadness go because it is built on lies.

The next step is to forgive yourself for being sad for the wrong reasons. Here’s a link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGUjtMRS_5k) with a forgiveness process that I recorded a few years ago. To access the link, please copy and paste the link in a new browser, then click “enter.”

You are your hell

Tip 4: Know That You Can Create a New And Better Story About Your Self-Image

The thoughts and related beliefs about being rejection are founded on a story you created based on an experience that you believed to be the truth. Note that just as you created this story, you also have the power to erase it and then create a new and better story about how you want to feel about yourself. You can do this by thinking about how you want to perceive your self-image. Decide how you want to be perceived. Write these attributes down. Read them to yourself every day until you believe them as the truth. For instance, you can write statements such; I accept and love myself just as I am. I am worthy. I deserve to be treated with respect. I respect myself—you get the idea. The fundamental thing to do is to think and believe these statements as the truth. And by doing this, you will be writing a better story that will improve your perception of yourself.
create a new story
Please note that although these tips are simplified, they helped me deal with my rejection-related negative emotions and I believe they can help you or anyone else. The idea is to make the tips your own, do the work on yourself, and remember that persistence and repetition are necessary ingredients required to establish and reinforce desired change.

The author is Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA. She’s an author, speaker, counselor and transformational coach. For more about her, please check out her website at www.tapthegood.com

Looking for a good inspirational book to empower and inspire you? Look no further. Click HERE to read THE book. 

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10 Proven ways to Cleanse Your Space From Stuck/Negative Energy

Many times, when we enter a room in our house/office, we might sense discomfort or experience body chills. This might be an indication that the room has stuck energy. Some people are so sensitive to this type of energy that when they access it in a room, they could get a headache or feel sick. At times, one might not even feel anything but could get an instant belief that the room is infected by some sort of stuck energy. I happen to experience all the above on different occasions.


Now, what’s stuck energy, and how is it created in a room?

Stuck energy is energy that is not flowing as it should. As you might know, everything is energy. Some of the causes of stuck energy are; a disorganized or dirty room; a room with trash; a room with boxes or other things close to the door(s)/window(s); a room where big arguments/fights or crying have happened.


How does stuck energy affect you?

This type of space affects our own energies, because our environments have a way of affecting our moods/energy flow and overall health. For instance, imagine being in a smelly room for a certain period of time, and when you leave the room, you continue smelling it.

Furthermore, if this room is your working space/office, stuck energy will affect the energetic flow of money, i.e. prevent or reduce the number of clients coming in. If it’s your bedroom, you might have problems falling asleep–or even have nightmares.


How do you cleanse your space?

  1. Remove all clutter
  2. Organize the room and create space at the entrance, and windows.
  3. Open the windows/doors for at least 2 hours to let the stuck air out.
  4. Lighten up the room by opening the blinds or curtains. Let light come in.
  5. Burn a white and black candle. (Explanations of what these two candles can do for your space and mind, can be found at http://psychiclibrary.com/beyondBooks/color-therapy-with-candles/)
  6. Burn sage and blow the smoke in all corners of your space. You can also call arch-angel Michael, Jesus or any other angels to help you with the process.
  7. Put a teaspoon of sea salt in a spray bottle filled with water, and spray all over the room with an intention to cleanse the room.
  8. Put 10 to 15 drops of Peppermint oil in a spray bottle filled with water and spare all over the room. If it’s your bedroom, also spray on the bed and under it.
  9. Pour 3 to 5 spoons of rubbing alcohol on sea salt placed on a saucer. Lighten up the mixture with a lighter. When the mixture starts bringing out smoke, put out the fire and then walk around the room/house while holding an intention in your mind to cleanse the space. (Remember to wear gloves to protect yourself from the heat that can be transmitted from the hot salt)
  10. Place a glass, or an open bowl filled with water in your room for 24 hours. Hold an intention that you are directing all the negative/stuck energy into the water. (You can also place the glass or bowl of water under your bed if it’s your bedroom that’s affected) After 24 hours, pour the water in the toilet as you affirm; “I’m now flashing all the negative in this water from this space.”

You can utilize one, any, or all the above tools to cleanse your space. Remember to hold an intention in your mind during the process.

In need of a Transformational coach, and Reiki Master? I will partner with you to achieve emotional freedom, and together we shall cleanse your mind, body, spirit and space–so that you can live life on your terms? Send me an email at author@tapthegood.com.

Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D. MBA




This Will Change Your Life -Tapping Into The Kingdom of God within You- An Inspirational Message

In this video, I share a powerful message that I believe will change your life. The tips I share have changed my life, and the lives of many of my clients. So, I believe that you will benefit as well.

Link to video – https://youtu.be/QAgAyNIFGos

Please share with those who might need the message.

Take note that March 1st, 8.00AM – 6.00PM is Global Worry-free day. This is a time when we should exercise a worry-free mindset. A few tips to consider would be to volunteer, pay it forward, or reach out to strangers in need. Every little helps.

Please join me on this day as we change the world for the better one step at a time.

Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA

Author, Speaker, Counselor, Coach



Being Treated Like You are Not Good Enough?

Do you feel like people treat you less of who you are?

Are you at a job where you don’t feel appreciated?

Are you in a relationship where you are working so hard to be appreciated but still feel demeaned?

Are you in a partnership that makes you feel bad about yourself?

Do you want to live life on your terms?

Watch this video – https://youtu.be/0spM7VXhrB8

Looking for a good book to read this holiday season? A book that will uplift and inspire you?

Get your copy of Do Not Force It, Tap The Good today 

Link to the book in audible, paperback and kindle – http://www.amazon.com/Do-not-Force-TAP-GOOD/dp/1461079098/

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Love and light



The Most Powerful Tip to Help you Stop Worrying

Worrying is the foundation of stress. Stress is the foundation of disease and other physical complications.

In this VIDEO, I share with you a common but powerful tip to help one stop worrying. If you can practice this technique every time you catch yourself worrying, I guarantee that your mind will soon learn the new way of automatically changing your “State” and then help you to avoid worrying.

Link to video – https://youtu.be/XLNEx7HGIr8

Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D. MBA
