Moment of Inspiration: What to do When Feeling Confused

So, there you are feeling confused and probably uninspired. You might feel as if you are stuck in a mental or emotional box and have no clue about how to get out or move on. It could be that you have to make a decision and you don’t know the right decision to make. So, what do you do? How do you snap out of it?

The Solution:

Close right eyes and look for the confusion in your mind. Find out what it looks like, its shape, color, and whether it is mobile or static. How far is this confusion from you?

If you did the exercise right you will discover that whatever you came up with to represent the confusion was just your imagination. You imagined it into existence. You made it up. If you are lucky and came up with nothing, then you also discovered that confusion is just a thought–a believed thought that you have decided to title, confusion. Just because you don’t know what to do yet, doesn’t brand you confused.

Do not believe your thoughts. Observe the “confusion” as something separate from you. Know that it is not you. And you don’t owe it your attention. Don’t fight to let it go. Let it be but deny it your perception or interpretation; just let it float in your consciousness and if you stand your ground without mentally moving to join it, it will dissolve into obvium.

Remember that you are the one who is always aware of things, situations and thoughts. And you can remain as the awareness.

Love and light

Connecting to Higher-self to Resolve Stubborn Negative Beliefs 


When I was a teenager, I believed that I was too skinny—which was why I didn’t have boyfriends. In my 20s when I gained weight, I came up with another belief that I attracted douche-bags because I was fat. Evidently, my beliefs kept changing according to my environment. Now I know that beliefs change and as they change, so do our experiences. Whatever we believe whether we base these beliefs on facts or visions, create our realities. 
Although it also worth noting that some beliefs are so deep-rooted in our unconscious minds, and it takes more than wishful-thinking to resolve them. 
Cycle of Depression, Robert Dindinger, Ph.D
However, regardless of how dark our conditioning is, there is still a part of us that no experience can ever effect. This part of us, that’s in us, doesn’t change, has no attachments, is not affected by emotions, has no birth nor death; has no color or religion: and it is not male or female. This part of us is also known as our higher-self. And once we connect to “it” we get to resolve the attachments and conditions that our human-identities have created. 
In this guided meditation, I use the “Mind Movie Screen” technique to connect to Higher-self and then resolve negative beliefs, the related negative emotions, and the attachments. 
Practice this meditation whenever you feel attached to, and/or affected by any experience or condition. 
Love and light