What Are you Missing out in The Present Moment? (An EFT Session is included)

The wise ones advise that being in the moment is the most powerful mind tool to attain peace. Being present has many benefits including:


1. You increase social skills because you listen and respond accordingly. You are not in a hurry to go someplace. You are here and in the now.


2. Improved creativity.

If you write or do some other creative work you may have found that your best work flows out of you when you are not thinking that much. You just write or paint. You enter a state where things just come to you. You get a lot done without mind-interruptions.


3. You appreciate your world more. Because you are present and able to comprehend everything going on.

4. You release stress because you are not worried about what was, or what will be. It’s all about what is.

The question is; how can one be present all the time when there is literally so much to think and/or worry about?


In this blog, I have included a brief EFT session to help you be in the now, at the moment where all the magic is happening.

Link to EFT Session: – https://youtu.be/JtlcdQ6ko-0

Are you in need of more personalized EFT, success coaching or counseling sessions?

Contact me for a complimentary 30 minutes EFT session to deal with an issue that is bombarding your life.

Remember, nothing happens, if nothing moves.:)

Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph,D, MBA

Author, Speaker, Counselor, Success Coach/Mentor


How Powerful Are Your Words?

Joel Osteen once stated, “You can change your world by changing your words. Remember, life and death, are in the power of words.”

The power of words

Print and electronic communication emphasizes the former statement due to the fact that, in the communication process, words are written and presented for future reference. This presents a lot of evidence that could destroy or liberate not only business owners but also the world in general. Documents written centuries ago have been a point of reference for major disputes and wars in the world today. On the other hand, printed material in form of books has been used to educate, inspire and change mindsets of the world. This very fact presents a threat, rather than something to celebrate, on the possible dangers that print and/or electronic communications can create. Considering that spoken and unrecorded words or conversations can be easily forgotten, printed material, if not discarded, can exist as long as time itself.


It’s hence vital for business owners to pay close attention to their non-personal communication structures in order to avoid possible dangers and, most importantly, transfer their messages and achieve their objectives.

captivating speaker

Carol Burnett, an American actress, comedian, and singer, once stated that: “Words once printed, have a life of their own.” Today the number of businesses that lose millions of dollars due to bad communication structures is limitless.



Do you have a structured sales pitch that you can tweak to match your target audiences? I’m talking about that message that introduces you to your audience and elicits interest in them for you, and your business in just a few words. Regardless of your answer to the preceding question, I encourage you to take advantage of my 30 minutes’ complimentary session where I will help you design a captivating sales pitch or evaluate the one you have–if you do. 

Love and Light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D. MBA

Author, Speaker, Counselor, Success Coach



You Are Not Different From a Rainbow:


The rainbow is one of the most splendid creations of all times. Cultures all over the world have elicited different symbolisms from its occurrence. In The Bible, it is indicated as a symbol of God’s intention to purify the world. In most African cultures, it is a sign of deliverance from trouble. Other cultures equate it to a new beginning, hope, and wealth. The argument is that none of this magical finery is forced to occur or even maintain its form. If the right circumstances are not met, by the sun shining onto droplets of moisture in the earth’s atmosphere, the multicolored arc will not manifest.


Likewise, if we want to manifest a better life, we have to meet the equivalent emotional, mental, spiritual and practical conditions. We have to redesign our internal representations, and mindsets to reflect on what we want mirrored in our experiences.


We have to let go of the old mind programming that doesn’t serve us, and install now beliefs and thought processes that are in congruence with what we want: and this is actually when we fulfill the necessary conditions to manifest good experiences.


If you want to learn more, Do not Force It, Tap The Good, is a book that explains in detail how to tap into our infinite potential, take our power back from negative prompters, and then meet the conditions to become the authorities of our crafts.

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Where do you find this book? Amazon, Kindle, and www.tapthegood.com

Love and light.

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA

Author, Counselor, Success Coach / Mentor




It’s All About You.

Divine intervention2

It is not selfish to say that it’s all about you. It’s actually empowering. Remember that you are the most important treasure for your life. Without you, your life and world do not exist.

I understand that we’ve been programmed to make our lives about others.  It’s been the right thing to do. It’s deemed the spiritual thing to do. However just like batteries, they won’t have any purpose if they aren’t charged. By understanding that it’s all about you, you prepare and charge yourself for the world. Your wellbeing is the key to your giving, living, loving, and being.

How do you give what you don’t have?

How do you donate from an empty account?

How do you support when your foundation is cracking?

You need to fully own who you are in order to give yourself to others–without losing yourself in the process.

That’s why it’s vital to take care of you before anything or anyone else. This is not selfish. It’s actually the exact opposite. It is the most enlightened philanthropy.

How do you program yourself to remember that it’s all about you?

Do Not Force It, Tap The Good: How to Tap into one’s Inner Infinite Intelligence, Develop a Profound Positive Mindset, and Live Life on his/her Terms, is a book that show you how.

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Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana Ph.D., MBA

Author, Speaker, Counselor / Coach



Do our Lives Need to Be Coached?

Limiting beliefs

The Dalai Lama once said, “the purpose of our lives is to be happy:” and for me that is the real benefit of coaching. What happiness actually means is unique to each and every one of us and more and more people are turning to a Life Coach to help them discover a great deal more happiness in their life.

The benefits you will gain from coaching include but are not limited to;


  • Clarity about what you want, why you want it and how you can get it.

  • Bridging the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

  • Strategies and techniques which facilitate you to reach your goal faster.

  • Overcome obstacles, low confidence and insecurities.

  • Explore and evaluate all possible options available.

  • Dedicated time, support, encouragement and motivation.

Remember, Life Coaching is an investment in yourself and it will benefit your entire life.

What I have done is made it financially affordable for those who want to access the benefits of life/business coaching but can not afford it.

Check out my limited time only offer on Groupon on this link https://www.groupon.com/deals/tap-the-good-counseling-and-success-coaching-services

Remember, nothings happens if nothing moves. You have to MOVE. 🙂

Love and Light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA

Author, Speaker, Counselor / Success Coach


Groupon link – https://www.groupon.com/deals/tap-the-good-counseling-and-success-coaching-services

How to Raise your Vibration Above Negativity:

I’m sure that you’ve been hearing it everywhere. Our vibrations, or the pattern of our thoughts, attitudes and actions, are what create our realities. If we want to change what we experience then we need to change our vibrations. There are a million ways to do this but here’s an exercise that that has stood out for me.

  1. Every morning before you get out of bed, lie down straight facing up. Uncross your arms and legs to let the energy flow freely. Place your palms next to your thighs.

  2. Close your eyes and breathe deeply.

  3. As you breathe in, imagine that you are breathing in pure positive energy, and breathing out all the negativity.

  4. Go through the exercise for at least 5 minutes.

  5. At the end of the breathing exercise, imagine a pink light penetrating your body through the top of your head. Imagine the light spreading to every inch of your being—from your brain to your toes. Then, imagine a white light surrounding your body.

  6. Take another deep breath and say this statement. “I seal this process with divine love and wisdom.”

If you do this every day, you will notice positive changes in your experiences.

If you want to learn more about how the invisible world determines our vibrations, and how you can ignite your true-self to live life on your terms, check out the book – Do Not Force It, Tap The Good: How to Tap Into One’s Inner Infinite Intelligence, Develop a Profound Positive Mindset, and Live Life on his/her Terms.

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Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA

Author, Professional Speaker, Counselor / Success Coach

