Are You Experiencing Havoc in Your Relationships? Advanced Hooponopono With Mother Mary to Heal Relationships:


All, if not most of the problems we experience are related to the relationships we have with other people.

Whenever we are experiencing conflict in our relationships, there’s always something within us that relates to this conflict. We are partly responsible for the conflict. We have knowingly or unknowingly recruited information or data into our inner child/subconscious mind, upon which this conflict is manifested in our relationships.


The point is, we only experience who we are. We see what we are. Our individualistic outer worlds mirror our inner worlds. When we recognize something in the outer world, we know it. We can never recognize, relate to or perceive what we don’t know. And knowing means that there’s information or data within us that relates to what we know. That’s why we see it. At some level, we accepted it to be part of our experiences.

ithinIn summary, we  don’t see the world as it is, we see the world as we are.

Therefore, when we are experiencing conflict in our relationships, one of the easiest ways to resolve this conflict is to work with our inner child to release the grip on whatever information or data we logged into its dwellings—upon which this conflict is created.

In this Advanced Ho’oponopono Session, I take you through a process that will help you heal your relationships.

Ps. I will go through the same process for the next 9 days because I also have some relationships to heal. Please join me.

In the interim, I’m sending you abundant love from my heart to yours.

**Check out my newest book, available only in Kindle and PDF on; “Advanced EFT Scripts to Heal and Align the Chakras.”

Link to the book –

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What to do When You are Feeling “Off:”

nikola-tesla-39712Often times we find ourselves feeling “offish”–a feeling, rather hard to explain. These are times when we’ve probably been taking all the action requited; when we’ve been eating right and sleeping enough etc, yet still feel “off.”

There are many reasons why we often feel this way—one of them being a disruption in our energy signature.

In simple terms, one’s energy signature is their vibration, how they “feel” or how they are “felt” when they are around other people. It also relates to the vibes or energy that their presence gives off to other people. I guess you’ve met people whose energy suffocates you as soon as you see them even if they haven’t spoken to you.  

We are made up of energy. We also have spinning energy wheels positioned in different places in our body, called chakras. The chakras work with the body’s electric system to regulate the proper functioning of our organs, nervous system—among other functions. The chakras are also directly related to different areas of our lives. And external factors when digested and accepted as truth, can also affect our chakras.

When one of the chakras is not functioning optimally, there is a disruption of energy flow in the entire body’s system. And this can affect our emotions, clarity, physical energy and decision making—among other issues. Therefore, when we feel “off,” chances are that there is a disruption in the body’s energetic system. Therefore, cleansing and re-aligning our chakras is vital for our well-being.  


How do You Cleanse and Re-align the Chakras?

There are many tools that can be used to cleanse and re-balance the chakras. And one of the magical techniques that can instantly regulate the chakras and rejuvenate one’s well being is EFT (the Emotional Freedom Technique).

In my newest book; Advanced EFT Scripts to Heal and Align The Chakras: Purify, Balance and Elevate Your Chakras and Heal Your Mind, Body and Spirit, I use detailed and simplified scripts designed to tap on each chakra.

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Whether you are a Coach who wants to help your clients regulate and balance their Chakras and hence their lives, or someone who just wants to heal themselves, the scripts in this book are guaranteed to help you achieve your goals.

Get the book today at this link –



About the Author:

Dr. Jacinta M Murray, is a spiritual counselor and transformational coach. As also an Advanced EFT Practitioner, she partners with her clients to help them achieve emotional freedom from negative experiences, stress and trauma, resolve redundant spiritual blockages–so that they can live life on their terms.

Raise Your Vibration For Manifestation With the Divine Light – Guided Meditation


“A blossomed flower will automatically fill its environment with its fragrance.”

When you fill your inner worlds with Divine Light, this raises your vibration. And your amplified vibration will magnetize whatever you put your mind to.

Use this Divine Light guided meditation daily, preferably in the mornings, to raise your vibration for manifestation.

Love and light.

Check out my new spiritual healing oils (Love Attraction, Money Magnetism and Energy Purification) by clicking on this link.


Cleansing and Elevating the Chakras with Bija Mantras: (Recorded Session Included)

chakralight1bija mantra, also known as a seed mantra, is a one-syllable sound used in meditation or yoga practice. The term comes from the Sanskrit.

In general, chanting a mantra focuses concentration on one purpose and/or stills the mind. In Hatha yoga, the seven cleansing bija mantras focus on the chakra energy centers along the spine in order to balance the body and the mind.


The General Benefits of Balancing and aligning Chakras. 

  • Liberating Guilt and Fear – Root Chakra
  • Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change – Sacral Chakra
  • Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) – Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Connecting/Relationships – Heart Chakra
  • Awakening Intuition – Throat Chakra
  • Returning to Spiritual Order – Third Eye Chakra
  • Connection to Higher-self- Guidance and spiritual wisdom – Crown Chakra

In traditional Hatha Yoga, the 7 cleansing bija mantras associated with the chakras are;

“LAM”- chakra 1 (root)

“VAM”- chakra 2 (sacral/navel)

“RAM”- chakra 3 (solar plexus)

“YAM”- chakra 4 (heart)

“HAM”- chakra 5 (throat)

“OM”- chakra 6 (third eye/brow)

“OM”- chakra 7 (crown)

Use the bija chants to cleanse and elevate your chakras in this video

Love and light

Check out my new spiritual oils for Love attraction, Money Magnetism and Energy purification at:

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana-Murray, PHD, MBA, is a Spiritual Counselor and Transformational Coach. She specializes in partnering with her clients to release and let go of whatever doesn’t serve them energetically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually—in order to live life on their terms.

**Jacinta is also a Reiki Master. And she employs different reiki techniques plus other energy healing tools to help her clients cleanse, purify, elevate and balance their energy bodies.



Anger Management with Advanced EFT – 7 Video Sessions Included

In my humble opinion, anger is an indication that one is holding onto an unpleasant past. It is reveals that one is still stuck in the past–carrying a whole load of negative memories. 

There are many reasons on which anger is rooted. And although these reasons are acknowledged and respected, they retard, instead of progress us. 

My life has presented many opportunities for me to be angry. And I have given in to these “opportunities” more times than not. I have had very profound reasons to justify my anger. And I have held onto these reasons persistently at the back of my mind to promote the anger. I thought it was right and fitting, and actually needed of me to express my anger. I deserved to be angry. “Isn’t that what human beings do?” I thought.  Now, tell me about insanity!!  At the end of the day, the anger hurt me more than the people and experiences I was angry with. And this is a lesson to remember for as long as I live. I learned that it is vital for me to let things go as soon as they happen. There is absolutely no reason to hold onto an ugly past. And although one has to remember the lessons learned, the assigned perceptions and conclusions about the negative experiences should be nullified and dropped from the mind as quickly as possible.

It is important to remain silent and observe the angry thoughts dwelling in the mind before they take over our emotions. 

“Anger is one of the certain routes to insanity. “

If you are dealing with anger, I have recorded 7 videos to help you release and let this anger go. In the videos, I have employed the magical tools of EFT, the emotional freedom technique, known to help millions of people globally to achieve emotional freedom.

Please take advantage of these videos and do share about your experiences.


In the interim, I’m sending you abundant love from my heart to yours.

Dr. Jacinta M M Murray, is a spiritual counselor and transformational coach. One of the techniques she uses to help her clients achieve emotional freedom is EFT. As an advanced practitioner, Jacinta has helped thousands of her clients achieve emotional freedom. 


When Love Hurts: One Powerful Technique to Liberate Yourself from Abuse-addiction.

Domestic abuseOur personalities are complex and to dissect them to identify the conditioning upon which we create them takes time. Sometimes we don’t even know our personalities since we might have more than one.

With that said, addictive personalities weaken our natural abilities to go through life with faith and courage. We rely on behavior or substance intake for short-term comfort or as escapes from whatever we are running from. Other times we fall into addictive behavior to subconsciously support an underlying belief.

What is abuse-addiction?

adbThis is when one finds him/herself attracting and staying in abusive relationships. Abuse addicts have many excuses for staying with abusive partners. They have supporting reasons. They could also blame themselves—suggesting that it is something wrong with them that trigger their partners’ abusive behavior. At times, they conceal the extent of the abuse, and re-narrate the incidents to prove that their partner wasn’t abusive.

For instance, for many years I was addicted to abuse. I believed that I wasn’t good enough; that I was ugly and that no man would love, without insulting me. I believed that abuse was part and partial of being in a relationship. As a child, I heard many stories about promiscuous and violent men.  Most of our neighbors were single mothers who continuously indulged in conversations about the insane nature of men. And I believe that’s when I was conditioned to believe that love hurts emotionally and physically. I must have subconsciously cemented the idea that it was okay to be abused.

It took years of emotional and physical pain, plus many disappointments to realize that I was basically hurting myself by staying in abusive relationships.

How do You Liberate Yourself From Abuse-addiction?

abseThe first step towards liberating yourself is to find out the underlying beliefs about your self-image, self-worth, self-love, relationships, plus the childhood stories you have about abuse.

Today, as a counselor and coach, I use these techniques to help my clients overcome their addictive behavior.

Do not Listen to Your Mind.

The mind is like a policeman you hire, who ends up stealing from you. The mind is a trickster, and you shouldn’t trust it. Unfortunately, we’ve been conditioned to believe that the mind is powerful. The mind is king. The mind is our friend. Trust me when I say, that the mind is the enemy. For instance, the mind could tell you damn stuff like, “Forgive him/her. They won’t do it again,” when your hubby has just smacked you. However, this could be the 100th time they’ve done it. And the mind could have told you that crap to forgive them ninety-nine other times. It will continue persuading and giving you thoughts as reasons to forgive them.  When you give in and forgive the idiot, the mind will bombard you with thoughts about how bad they hurt you. How they should treat you. How you should find someone else; or maybe have a side fling. And if you cheat instead of leave the relationship, and they find out and then abuse you again, the mind will say, “Wow! See what I told you? You are seriously damn. Why didn’t you just leave them? What the hell are you still doing in this relationship? What is wrong with you? You definitely deserve to be hit thousands times over. You are not worthy. You are not good for anything. Blab bla bla.” Note that this is the same mind that convinced you to stay in the relationship.

“The mind is like a policeman you hire, who ends up stealing from you.”

I guess you realize that the mind is not particularly our friend. Therefore, do not listen to your thoughts. Only use your mind when you need it instead of letting it use you. The idea is to ignore your thoughts. Do not recruit them. Do not assign meanings, create relationships, associations, or even entertain them for a single second. Instead, respect your feelings. If your partner behaves in ways that abuse your personal standards, move on. If they physically abuse you the first time, there is no reason in the world to stay in that relationship. Because trust me, they will do it again. Remember that when you respect and love yourself unconditionally, you will attract the same. Note that we do not experience the world as it is: we experience it as we are. As within, so without. Our experiences mirror our conditioning. Change your negative beliefs and conditioning, and your world will change accordingly.

“Only use your mind when you need it instead of letting it use you.”

Dr. Jacinta M Murray is a spiritual counselor and transformational coach. Helping people to overcome their addictions is one of her specialties.

Clearing a Stubborn issue in Your Life With the Quantum Soul Healing Technique

imagesQuantum Soul Clearing is a spiritual healing method originated by Michelle Manning-Kogler, Spiritual Intuitive and healer.

This powerful healing method is based on the fact that if one is experiencing problems, the source of the problem plus the perceived problem, are established as energetic frequencies at the quantum level.

In physics, a quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction. The fundamental notion that a physical property may be “quantized” is referred to as “the hypothesis of quantization” ~ Wikipedia.

In simpler terms, quantum is the smallest particle of any physical thing. Therefore, quantum soul healing penetrates the smallest particles of a perceived problem at the soul level, and then dissolves it. To my understanding, quantum soul healing goes beyond the source of the problem to its manifestation at the deepest level–which makes the process very powerful.

“The Quantum Soul Clearing Process is essentially a “Spiritual Technology” — an energy healing technique — that combines the limitless power of Universal Consciousness, the focus and determination of the human mind, with the brilliant wisdom of the soul to create deep, lasting change in your life and to heal all that you need to heal.” ~Michelle Manning-Kogler.

The point is, even if you don’t understand what this technique means or how it works, it will do its work in your life as long you open your mind and allow the powerful words to create the frequency needed to dissolve your issues/perceived problems.

I encourage you to listen to this session every day for the next 9 days.

Love and light.