The “I am Not That” Self-healing Method

Unconditional self-love is a stress-reliever.” Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana-Murray, PhD, MBA

Who would consider the idea that loving yourself unconditionally can relieve your stress? 

When you ponder this idea, you realize that loving yourself unconditionally is powerful medicine to the body and soul.

But how do you love yourself unconditionally?

How do you stay in love with yourself when your conditions appear life threatening? How can you be in love when you have concluded that you are overweight, or not good enough?

How would you look at yourself in the mirror when you have zero balance in your bank account, and genuinely tell yourself how much you love you? 

How do you overlook your unpleasant conditions and stay in love with yourself unconditionally?

Here are a few pointers that helped me achieve that personal goal.

  1. Know who you are. 
  2. The only way to know who you are, is to know what or who you are not. Note that who you are can not be defined. You are not a thing.

Once you start identifying and detaching from what/who you are not, who you truly are will be looking back at you through your own eyes. 

Let me explain:

Let’s imagine your conditions are not pleasant. The egoistical mind automatically steps into your thoughts and presents ideas that seem so appealing to consider. Once you consider these ideas, you are hocked to the ego’s drama. Your mind is captured into the delusional web. Stress. anxiety, self-doubt, self-hatred, and all other negative emotions, ideas and even memories show up in your mind to convince you that it is over for you because the unpleasant conditions are here to finish you. Self-love, becomes the last idea on your mind. 

So, how do you use the “I am not that” Method to relieve stress and overcome these unpleasant conditions?

Well, share your views and I will continue this article with my own views of this method in the next post. 

Love and light

Stepping Into Your Power to Release Stress and The Related Negativity – Meditation| tapthegood com

There comes a time when you get so sick and tired of being sick and tired. And this is when you get inspired or call it pushed, to seek for more positive emotional states such as wellbeing and peace.

The easiest way to shift from feeling as if life doesn’t want you to live it, to feeling unconditionally peaceful and content, is to recognize, and then give in to the presence of God within you.

This meditation is designed to help you shift your attention from whatever is stressing you, to realizing the presence of God within.

Abundant love from my heart to yours.

A Lazy man’s Way to a Stress-free Life: 10 Tools to Keep Off Stress


Negative experiences often leave us stressed and worn out. During such times, I find it challenging to refer to any advice about how to keep off the stress. Yet I know I have to dust it off, get my lazy butt off the ground and keep moving forward. How I get up when I feel so overwhelmingly lazy and beaten up by circumstances, is another story.  

If you’ve been stressed and so lazy to give a crap about how to snap out of it, welcome to my club. I’m certain that my 10 tips to keep off stress will do just that…get your lazy stressed, beautiful behind off the ground and propel you to move forward. 

Below, are 10 things I do when I feel stressed and lazy.  I know they will help you. 

  1. Breathe. Just stop often and take long, deep breaths.
  2. Meditate (Listen to this recording for the simple meditation techniques)
  3. Eat raw food as long as it is edible. This is easy because it will save you all the trouble involved in cooking. And the benefits…..magic.
  4. Drink a lot of water. This is an inexpensive and easy way to keep hydrated. The benefits are abundant.
  5. Have long baths
  6. Go for a walk. Note that a walk is easier than a run or weight lifting. So, it should be easy to do. Right?
  7. Listen to music. Suggestion: Listen to soothing and positive music. 
  8. Avoid friendships that way you down.
  9. Set simple, short goals. Don’t overwhelm your to-do list with tasks. Keep it simple. Besides, you are so lazy to add more crap to your plate.
  10. Sleep. Just sleep as much as you can. This will rejuvenate you.

These tips are simple, yet they can help one deal with stress. For details, click on this video and listen.

 Much love, friend.