The Teacher Called, Time

What time is it wherever you are?

You don’t need to answer that question, it is just my way of soliciting your attention.

Now that I have your attention, I just wanna share something about me. Tomorrow is my birthday. And I won’t share my age because I wanna save you from information about stuff that won’t benefit you in any way. Also, I have managed to convince myself that age is just a number. And although this doesn’t stop the changes in my body from happening, over the years, I have learned that how I feel is my choice.

What is Time?

Well, most believe time is the measure of the earth’s distance and space around the sun. And others are convinced that time is a man made illusion. I won’t take sides because I am not an expert in time, but I will concur with the precept that man might have invented time. Right now in Los Angeles, California, it is about 4.04p.m as I write this article. In New York, the time is 3 hours ahead. Somewhere in the world, it is 12 hours earlier or later than 4.04p.m. If man isn’t responsible for creating these differences in time, then who is?

Therefore, I have concluded that all time really is, is change. Time represents the constant change in the universe and everything in it. And since everything is always changing, then change is the only norm. Therefore, the first lesson that time teaches us is that it is the only norm.

Time is a projection of change. ~ Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana-Murray

Although intangible, time consumes everything, or rather, everything is consumed in it. Time leaves no stone unturned. Time teaches us not to take things for granted. Time consoles us by reminding us that nothing lasts for ever; and that everything that comes must go. In, and with time, there are opportunities to plan, execute set goals, look back to re-evaluate, hope for better experiences, and heal old wounds…physically and emotionally. Time reveals secrets.

Time is a grand revealer. ~ Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana

Time also shows us that when we waste our attention by focusing on our negative past experiences, the flow of life, won’t stop to wait for us. If we spend our time indulging in negative encounters, or relating with people who trigger feelings of hatred or sadness in us, time won’t rewind itself back to an earlier slot, in order to gain us more of itself so that we can use it wisely. Time waits for no one. And the truth about time is that you can waste it. Rather you waste your attention on things that don’t progress you. Time can’t be wasted because it is not a thing.

Time propels us to keep moving forward, and progressing. Time is the best revenge, because situations and people change in, and because of it. If there were no time, there would be no change, Everything would be static and dormant. Therefore, I have concluded that time is a tool that supports our expressions in life. Time is an intelligent teacher, who especially shows us that we are supreme to it. We can not be consumed by it. We are in charge. And we can use it as we please. Yes, our bodies can be consumed by time, but we are the never changing reality that observes it. And when we get still and let time and everything moving in it play without our engagement, God is revealed.

What has time revealed to you? How do you use your time?

Love and light

Inspirational of the Day

If you have clicked on this article, I’m certain you are ready to be inspired. However, I have nothing new to tell you today.

I came here to be inspired, myself, and I am doing this by writing this short article. I am doing what I love to do and as I do it, I feel inspired and relaxed.

What’s the point of me sharing? You may ask.

Over the years I have learned that if nothing in the external world is inspiring you, go within and search for what you already have. Search for something that you love to do, that also helps others. It could be a hobby, such as painting. You could paint with the intent to donate the painting. Whatever it is that you love doing, has potential to inspire others. As long as it is not stealing or self-destructing. I am referring to a positive hobby or skill. Just choose one of the many you have, and determine how you can use it to help someone. That’s how I know that I can’t tell you anything new that you don’t already have or know.

Giving back, even in the slightest way, is not only rewarding, but also inspiring for the giver. As you give, you start realizing that you have an abundance of resources within you.

So the question is, what is a hobby or skill that you love doing, and also believe it can inspire someone ?

Love and light.