Reality Check to Progress as an Entrepreneur (1 of 4)


When I founded my business about 9 years ago, I fondled my way to making losses, month after month. I did everything my mentor suggested but kept struggling to make ends meet. At one point, I gave up upon concluding that I wasn’t cut to be an entrepreneur. However, my mentor advised me to perform four reality checks about myself and the business.

Below, is the first reality check I performed. Note that in the next three articles I will share each of the reality checks. Please subscribe to my blog or check back next week for the next reality check.

1. Personal Reality Check.

This involves evaluating the following areas of your life:

 (a) Mindset:

  1. What are your beliefs about being a successful entrepreneur?
  2. What are your prominent thought processes? Are you consistently dwelling on the past and what went wrong, what could go wrong, or you are focused on what could go right?
  3. What is your relationship with money?
  4. On a scale of 1 to 10, (1, being “not at all,” and 10, being “absolutely influential”) how influential are you?
  5. What fears do you have about success?
  6. Do you feel worthy of progress?
  7. What’s your idea of success? What will have to happen for you to know that you have succeeded in business?
  8. What’s your why? Why are you pursuing this business?

 (b) Strengths

  1. What strengths do you possess that can progress your business? These strengths are both internal and external.
Internal strengths are related to the mental, emotional, and spiritual states; skills, expertise, educational background and/or experience.
External strengths include your financial status, and resources available to you, such as office space, good business relationships and connections, plus support from your loved ones or other positive-minded individuals.
The idea is to find out your strengths in these areas. Note that it’s vital to be honest with yourself.

 (b) Weaknesses

This involves investigating your weaknesses, internal and external.
It would be helpful to refer to what you discovered about your mindset. Are there are any loose ends you need to fix?
  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1, being “not driven,” and 10, “very driven,” how driven are you?
  2. Do your daily rituals support your progress?
  3. What relationships weigh you down and why are you still holding onto them?
  4. On a scale of 1 to 10, (1, being “not at all,” and 10, being “absolutely determined”) how determined are you in improving your health? Note that a healthy body promotes a healthy mindset, which then promotes positive, and enthused action.
  5. On a scale of 1 to 10, (1, being “not at all,” and 10, being “absolutely determined”) how determined are you about focusing on what you want without dwelling on the negative?
  6. On a scale of 1 to 10, (1, being “not at all,” and 10, being “absolutely organized”) how organized are you?

  (c) Opportunities

  1. What opportunities do you have at your exposure that you can explore to progress in your business?
  2. What can you do to turn your weaknesses into opportunities?

 (d) Threats

  1. What do you believe are your threats?
  2. What risks are you facing by operating your business and how can you avoid, or work with them without letting them affect your business?


Note that becoming a successful entrepreneur demands more than wishful thinking. One has to be determined to evaluate how they can improve consistently, what they should let go and the changes that need to happen.  However, all this begins with mindset.
In my transformational coaching sessions, I can help you identify the areas in your inner and outer worlds that need to change, improve or be released. I partner with my clients to help them release anything that could be blocking them from taking action. We work together on developing mindset, and operational strategies for success. After the sessions, clarity, a new sense of direction and enthusiasm are achieved.

The Story of two Roads- A Powerful Inspirational Story

Once the storm is over

When faced challenges, remember that challenges are opportunities. Problems and challenges are man’s means to earn a living. Note that all businesses are founded on providing solutions for problems that someone once had.

The more someone designs solutions for problems, the wealthier they become. Therefore, challenges are intended to be turned into opportunities to become more of ourselves by shedding off the layers of fear and other negative conditioning in order to perceive life differently. Whatever challenge you are experiencing today, know that it is not a waste. These challenges are anointing you with the skills to overcome them. And after this storm is over you will not be the same. You will be stronger and wiser—which is something amazing to look forward to. 


With that said, if you haven’t read, Do Not Force it, Tap the Good, ( Link to the book –…) it’s time.

Love and light

5 Steps to Get Out of a Financial Dilemma


Have you ever found yourself with no money and no idea about what you are going to do to get back up?

Let’s also imagine that you have bills piling and waiting for you to pay.

Let’s further imagine that you lost your job or your business collapsed and you’ve tried everything you can to get a job or business back up and nothing seems to work.

What do you do?


Well, I have been there, done that and I know exactly how it feels to be financially handicapped and hopeless. Yet at the end of it all I realized that what was stressing me out was either what I wished things should have been, or shouldn’t have been, and not necessarily what things really were or meant. Since, for every disappointment I have experienced, I soon discover that it was a blessing in disguise. That aside, I have followed the following steps to get me out of the hard times.

Step 1: Tame Your Mind

Dont wake to be perfect


The first thing to do is to deal with your mind. You literally cannot stress over your situation because if you do, things will “seem” worse. “Seem,” is singled out because things are what we define them to be. If you are stressed you are definitely going to redefine the situation and add more drama in order to support your new stressing convictions.

I’m sure you know how worrying about things amplifies them. You have to refocus your mind on what you have and what you are grateful for. I know this seems easier said than done, but it is doable. And when you understand the consequences of negative thinking you will tame your mind to focus on what’s good in your life. I’m certain that you have some good things that you can focus on.

Step 2: Determine what you want and focus on it religiously.


Many times we might think that we are focusing on what we want when we are actually dwelling on whatever we don’t want. Therefore, you have to take time and examine what you want instead of the financial havoc. Do you want to pay off your bills? How much money do you want? Do you want to be financially free? How does that look like for you? Do you want to get another job or maybe revamp your business? The idea is to be very specific about what you want and then focus on it.

Step 3: Evaluate your resources.

evaluate resources

For this step, you will have to get pen and paper and examine what resources you currently have that are freely available to you. You may have to consider your skills, experiences, education, talents—or anything else that is freely available to you. Another thing to consider is your wardrobe—what you can sell in a yard sale or online. List everything down.

Step 4: Decide on which skill, talent or experience you want to turn into something that will bring in money. For instance, I am also a qualified massage therapist, and during the slow financial times I advertise my massage business because firstly, I already have the required skills plus all the tools required to run a mobile spa. I literally don’t need a lot of money to get started with acquiring clients. I reach out to my regular clients, advertise on free portals like face book, craigslist and Google; and before I know it, I have clients flocking in.  The idea is to choose a skill that won’t cost you money.


Step 5: Take action. Once you decide on which skill you want to explore, or actions to take, take immediate action. Don’t over think things. Just go for it. Trust that things will work out. Have faith. And even if things don’t work out the first time, keep tweaking them up until they get better. Whatever you do, don’t wait to be perfect.


Click on this link to access a powerful divine love guided meditation to uplift you –

Click on this link to access a short inspiration video on never waiting to be perfect. 

In my book, Do Not Force It, Tap The Good, there 3 whole chapters about making something out of nothing. I’m certain that you will benefit from the tips provided.

Tap The Good

To get the book, please click on this link.

In the interim, remember that “Loss gives us a chance for an upgrade.” Mpalyenkana

Are You 100% Free to Be What You Want to Be?

Freedom 6

Some philosophers have argued that we are not totally free to be who want to be. What we think is freedom is merely being free to express ourselves as predetermined by our earlier and continuous programming. Due to the fact that being free means being happy and content with wherever and whatever one is, we tend to mistake settling for what is available, for authentic contentment. We forget that if we are unaware of other realities we have nothing to compare with. As such we regard our present reality as the real deal. Furthermore, because we are deeply programmed to believe and be a certain way, we conclude that this is the best we can be or do. We settle for beliefs  and lives that are not organically our own. 


For instance, as I child, I was told, and I believed that if a woman rode a bike they would never get married. Because riding a bike compromised being feminine. Today, I’m still struggling to learn how to ride a bike–upon discovering that getting married has nothing to do with riding a bike. 🙂 

That’s one of many beliefs that I was exposed to as a child, and I have had to examine, question and change my beliefs every so often in order to discover if they are regressing or progressing me.

The question is: Which of your beliefs are promoting your life?

Note that it takes more than wishful thinking to examine all our beliefs in order to originate beliefs and ways of living that are organically our own. Note that everytime someone starts questioning the general status quo, they are isolated, rejected if not killed. They are thrown out of the crowd. Think about people like, Martin Luther King, Jr, Jesus, the Christ–to mention a few.

So, if you want to create a reality that is organically your own, you have to step away from the crowds, follow your bliss and inner guidance, question everything, be open to everything, yet attached to nothing. You also have to be willing to be alone in order to find your authentic-self.  However, the benefits are inexhaustible. 

freedom 4

In this video, I discuss this concept in detail. 

Link to VIDEO –

Please share your thoughts. 

If you are seeking for a spiritual speaker to speak about “What it Means to be Free”, or  a counselor/coach who will work with you in examining your current reality and creating an organic one based on your authentic-self, please send me an email at

Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana.Ph.D., MBA, is a Spiritual Counselor, Transformational Coach, Published author and Professional speaker. For more about her, visit

Changing Negative Stories to Attract Money–With EFT and Ho’oponopono

In the interim, love and light.

Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA

Spiritual Counselor, Coach, Speaker, Author


The Poison of the Mind & How to banish It.


> What do you think is the most powerful poison of your mind

> What do you think gets in the way of you taking action

> Well, it’s yours to find out my views on the same in this video

Link to the video –

In the interim, I wish you and your family a glamorous holiday season filled with wonders, love and miracles. 

Don’t forget to sign up for my upcoming seminar scheduled for February 10th, 2018, a full day event intended to help you get in touch with your inner world in order to be the master of your outer world. 

Link to the event –

Remember: “It is only when we take control of, and master the whole of inner worlds that we can change our outer worlds for the better.”


Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA

Author, Spiritual Counselor, Coach, Trainer, Speaker

It is Time to Surrender – 3 Proven Psychological Steps to Help you Surrender

Are you attached to a desire or goal and finding it hard to surrender to the process?

Does your passion/desire for your goal stress you out?

Are you worried that you might not achieve your goal?

Well, maybe it is time to surrender. And to do so, I have recorded this VIDEO with 3 proven psychological tools to help you detach from your goal, and instead focus on the goals as you also enjoy every moment of the process.

I know this will help.

Link to video –

Please do not forget to share with friends or family who might need these tips.

Love and light.

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, PH.D., MBA

Author, Spiritual Counselor, Corporate Trainer, Speaker



Four Tips to Deal with Rejection: Part 2:

In part 1 of this article, “How to Deal with Rejection – based on a personal story”, I shared a personal story about one of my childhood experiences of rejection. I’m certain that you or someone you know has gone through similar or maybe even worse experiences.

In this article, I share 4 tips that helped me deal with rejection and build a healthier self-esteem. And although I appreciate the fact that your experiences or those of your loved ones might be different, I’m also certain that anyone will be able to customize these tips and make them their own in order to resolve any rejection related emotional issues that they might be experiencing.

Tip 1: Know That no one can Reject You.

As weird as it might sound, believe me when I say that no one can actually reject you. One of the meanings of rejection is to be eliminated. And in my opinion, no one can eliminate you per-say. One might eliminate your presence from a scene, or disregard what you say, but he/she can never eliminate your existence. Chances are that what you perceive as rejection is an incident where someone probably did not resonate with, understand, or agree with whatever you were presenting or offering. However, with all due respect, this doesn’t mean that the entire awesome you was discarded.

Therefore, the first tip you can employ to deal with rejection-related emotions is to change your perception of the word, rejection and how it applies to you as an individual.

No one can reject you

Tip 2: Know that People’s Actions are Their Business.

As you deal with the rejection-related emotions, understand that perception is projection. Behavior is founded on internal representations: meaning that people behave as they have learned to, based on their beliefs and thought processes, mental, emotional and spiritual states. Everyone is doing the best they can with the internal resources they have. I’m sure you’ve heard the statement, “squeeze an orange and you get orange juice.” When someone is filled with anger, sadness or whatever other emotions that they might have, that’s exactly what’s going to come out of them as they perceive the world, as well as act. Therefore, if someone rejects something about you, this has nothing to do with you. It is their business. That’s how they know how to operate. Note that at that point in time, your presence or whatever they rejected triggered a decision within them to reject. Consequently, you can’t take things personally. And most importantly, you have to forgive them for their actions because they probably didn’t even realize that there was anything wrong with the way they acted. Just as you can’t expect mango juice to come out of an orange, you can’t expect a person filled with rudeness or anger to treat you with kindness or non-judgment.

If my actions dont concern you
Tip 3: Take 100% Responsibility Of Your Emotions:

When we take full responsibility of our negative emotions, we take our power back from whoever we have blamed for the way we feel. By taking full responsibility for the rejection-related negative emotions, we get to understand that no one has the power to make us feel a certain way; and that we have the power to heal ourselves. This process begins by identifying all those negative emotions that you are feeling. Write them down. Examine each one of them to identify the root causes. Establish if the root causes are really based on truths. For instance, if one of the negative related emotions you are dealing with is sadness, the root cause is what the person said or did, that made you believe that you are a reject. When you examine tip 1, you realize that you are not really a reject. Tip 2, is telling you that whatever the person did is not your business. Consequently, your perceptions are not founded on the truth. You are not a reject. Therefore, you just have to let the sadness go because it is built on lies.

The next step is to forgive yourself for being sad for the wrong reasons. Here’s a link ( with a forgiveness process that I recorded a few years ago. To access the link, please copy and paste the link in a new browser, then click “enter.”

You are your hell

Tip 4: Know That You Can Create a New And Better Story About Your Self-Image

The thoughts and related beliefs about being rejection are founded on a story you created based on an experience that you believed to be the truth. Note that just as you created this story, you also have the power to erase it and then create a new and better story about how you want to feel about yourself. You can do this by thinking about how you want to perceive your self-image. Decide how you want to be perceived. Write these attributes down. Read them to yourself every day until you believe them as the truth. For instance, you can write statements such; I accept and love myself just as I am. I am worthy. I deserve to be treated with respect. I respect myself—you get the idea. The fundamental thing to do is to think and believe these statements as the truth. And by doing this, you will be writing a better story that will improve your perception of yourself.
create a new story
Please note that although these tips are simplified, they helped me deal with my rejection-related negative emotions and I believe they can help you or anyone else. The idea is to make the tips your own, do the work on yourself, and remember that persistence and repetition are necessary ingredients required to establish and reinforce desired change.

The author is Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA. She’s an author, speaker, counselor and transformational coach. For more about her, please check out her website at

Looking for a good inspirational book to empower and inspire you? Look no further. Click HERE to read THE book. 

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EFT Session to Get Unstuck From an Abusive Relationship

Do you feel stuck in a relationship that makes you feel like buying a big rope and tying it around your neck?

In this EFT RECORDED SESSION, I take you through a process to release your grip on any abusive relationship you may be involved in–whether it’s a job, friendship or love.

LINK to video –


If there are any issues that you would like me to deal with using EFT, psychology or Hooponopono, please include the details in the comments.

Thank you for visiting my blog.


Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA

How to Connect to The Right Friends

As a teenager, connecting to the right friends was one of my biggest challenges.

I grew up with my mom in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, and my mom was very strict about how we chose friends since most of our neighbor’s teenagers had become pregnant, escaped from their homes and/or got involved in other inappropriate activities. I disliked my mom. In my little mind, I thought she was blocking my freedom to have as many friends as I wanted. But as an adult now, I appreciate her a lot. It is because of her strategies to keep us safe from the turbulent environment in which we were in, that I and my siblings were able to complete school without getting into trouble.

By following some of the strategies that I learned from my mom, and some as a transformational coach, I’ve been able to connect to and choose the right friends over the years.

Here are some of the tips that you can use to connect to the right friends.

1. Become your own best friend.
Before you can understand what friendship really means, you have to love and appreciate everything about yourself, including your flaws. You have to be your own best friend. If you don’t like yourself, you will always look for validation from your friends to define who you are. And that will be disappointing because no one has the power to define who you should be, or how you should feel about yourself. It’s up to each one of us to determine who we should be, and how we should feel. Therefore, be your best friend first, such that when you connect to friends, you are not looking for validation. You love yourself as you are.

your best friend

2. Define what friendship means to you.
It is extremely important to establish what you want to achieve from whatever you do. It’s about being purposeful. Defining what friendship means to you implies that you establish what you expect from friends; what they should expect from you as a friend, and what you will not tolerate from them. This also means that you have to develop personal values and standards below which you won’t be anyone’s friend. For instance; since you are already your own best friend, you have to know how to be friendly to yourself. This means that you respect your body by eating the right foods; you exercise and do not indulge in anything that would abuse your body—such as drugs and/or immature sex. You keep your word. You communicate clearly about what you want and don’t want, assertively. You respect your parents/elders. You keep your environment clean and safe. In a nutshell, you love yourself. As a result, you seek to connect with friends who also love themselves and most importantly, friends who will not negatively affect your self-love. They respect and appreciate who you are. They don’t try to influence you, except if it is for positive change.


3. Become friendly.
If you want to connect to friends you have to be friendly. This means that you don’t make judgments about others because of their looks, origin, social group or religion. You communicate to others freely and attentively as you take the time to examine if these people also love themselves. You become present with people—meaning that you listen attentively to everyone you meet before you determine if that person could be a friend.

I believe that if you embrace these tips, or even add other personal tips that you’ve learned, you will be able to connect to good friends.

become friendly

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Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, PH.D., MBA

Author, Transformational Coach, and Speaker.