Time Management Tips For Entrepreneurs

Dont waste time

If you are an entrepreneur you know how easy it is to get distracted. Unfortunately, we are so accustomed to falling prey of these distractions and hence end up wasting a lot of our valuable time that we could use to execute important tasks to improve our businesses and lives.

Below are a few tips that will help you manage your time more wisely even if you are not an entrepreneur

  1. Prioritize Your Tasks Based On Importance. Time wasters

Establish the one thing that you can accomplish today that will make you feel like you were productive. Complete that task first.

  1. Use “Do Not Disturb” On Your Phone.  

Do not disturbIf you have apps on your phone through which you connect with friends and family, such as Whatsapp, update your profile as “do not disturb” during your working hours. Also turn off the notifications’ option from all your apps’ settings. This will help you focus on your tasks uninterrupted by the notifications’ sounds that tend to come in often.

  1. Get a to-do Listprioritize

This is extremely important as it will help you follow through with whatever you have listed. It is also a good tool that you can use to reward yourself especially if you’ve completed all the tasks on the list. Furthermore, if you are extremely busy or forgetful, the to-do list will keep you in check about what you have to accomplish.

  1. Delete Unimportant TasksDelete unimportant lists

If you keep rescheduling a task, perhaps it is not as important as you deemed it to be when you scheduled it. So, it shouldn’t be on your to-do list. If it is, do it or delete it.

  1. Assign Deadlines for Your Tasks

This will help you attend to the due tasks before their deadlines approach. You will be more consistent with your work if you actually stick to your deadlines.

  1. Avoid Time Wasters.

Do fewer things that are not making you productive, such as:

  • Watching non educational television
  • Over planning instead of doing
  • Waiting to be perfect to start tasks
  • Not knowing your priorities
  • Investing your time on face book and other social media, for fun
  • Worrying about what could go wrong
  • Keeping negative friends or staying in negative environments
  • Having no plan about where you want to go.
  • Gossiping
  • Not exercising
  • Exercising bad eating habits that will keep you weak and unfocused.
  1. Make a Procrastination List

No matter who you are, everyone procrastinates in some way. Make a list of important tasks you can work on. Save this list on your phone. Next time you procrastinate, open this list, and start working on one or some of the tasks.

  1. Make a “Waiting for” List

Sometimes we have to wait for certain things to happen before we can take action. For instance; let’s imagine that you need someone to respond in order for you to execute a particular task. Make a waiting list so that you can focus on what you can do now, and what you have to follow up on, so that you don’t forget.

  1. Block out “Me Time”self care

It’s very important to take time to clear your mind and nourish yourself. Make time for meditation or prayer, going to the gym or taking a walk or whatever else makes you feel at peace with yourself. Note that we are more productive when we feel good.

I’m certain that there are many other time management tools that you can employ to be more productive. But the above tips are a great reference.

Remember to leave comments if you have any, and also visit my website at www.tapthegood.com for all your transformational coaching and counseling needs.

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Looking for a great book to read, check out, Communicating Your Way to Success: Master the Art of Persuasion, Positively Influence Others, Increase Sales, and Stand Out From the Crowd.

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Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA, is a Counselor, Transformational Coach, published author and professional speaker. For more about her, visit, http://www.tapthegood.com