3 Proven Tips to Sustain a Healthy Relationship


Did you know that one of the main factors that impact our emotions is problematic relationships? For the most part, every problem that we experience is related to another person. Therefore, managing relationships, or identifying which relationships work, is vital to sustaining emotional health.

In this VIDEO, I, and my co-host, Jay, discuss three proven tips that will sustain a healthy relationship.

Please click HERE to access the video.


Remember, the first relationship that you have to deal with in order to be successful at other relationships is the relationship with yourself.

Looking for a good book to facilitate your emotional advancement? Check out, Do not Force it, Tap the Good: How to Tap Into One’s Infinite Intelligence, Develop a Profound Positive Mindset, and Live Life on his/her Terms. 

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Jacinta Mpalyenkana, is a Transformational Coach, Counselor and Empowerment Speaker. To learn more about her services, please check out her website at http://www.tapthegood.com



Do Not Worry – A Heart-felt Inspirational Message

Whatever you might be going through today, remember that help is closer than you think. 🙂

In this inspirational message, (a spoken word) I share with you words that will bring you courage and hope. You will get to tap into your faith and know that everything will be okay sooner than you think.

Link to Inspirational video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C5k937tTYw

Remember that March 1st is Global Worry-free day. It’s a day to stop worrying, stepping out of our comfort zones and paying it forward, volunteering, and/or giving back. Put a smile on a stranger’s face. 🙂 Share your news on this blog’s comments.

Please spread the news.

Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA



3 Steps To Benefit from Business Networking:

I’ve been an addict of networking for a couple of months since I discovered the related benefits for my business.


However, what happens in networking events is very fascinating. People present their best selves. Most dress well; have business cards to show off what they do, and attempt to speak to everyone in the group. What most don’t do is comprehend and utilize the first law of human nature–which is; “People don’t do what they don’t see a benefit in doing.” It is about the “What is in it for me” ideology. With that in mind, people tend to talk more about themselves and what they do, or how they can help others without really trying to find out about others: what makes them unique; what makes them feel special; or what makes them feel important.  In summary, they don’t show interest in other people. Dale Carnegie in his book- “How to influence people and win friends” indicates that the best way to elicit other people’s interest is to show interest in them.

Below are first three steps that will help you benefit from business networking.

1. Show up feeling, and looking vibrant.


This means that you dress to influence, and express who you are, and your brand. This also implies that you find a way to dress up in colors that resonate with your product / service or company brand.  Cleanse your mind of all negativity and self-criticism, and adopt a positive and happy attitude.

2. Carry enough business cards to give away.

business cards

Do not discriminate who you should give your business cards to. When you are giving out your business cards, ensure to connect to everyone one you give the cards to. Show keen interest in what they are doing by listening to what they have to say, and then share your business card.

3.  Ask for their business cards before they offer them.

keen interest

Don’t wait for them to hand them to you. That is a mind game that illustrates that you are interested in what they have to offer.

Stay tuned for more networking tools in next week’s article.

If you want individualized holistic business coaching for your business, contact me by clicking on this link, for a free 30 minutes phone discovery session in which I would love to hear everything about you and your business, and how I can help you become the authority of your craft.

Dr. Mpalyenkana, Jacent



Three Steps To Liberate your Soul:

You’ve tried everything but failed to achieve positive results. You feel cursed.


You feel like God has anger management issues because it seems like he is angry with you for doing something that he hasn’t even told you about.

You have probably tried hundreds if not thousands of healing modalities to liberate your life, but whatever the issue is seems to be more deep-rooted than you can comprehend. What do you do?

 Here’s what has worked for me and my clients.

1.  Accept full responsibility of your situation. Understand that whatever you are going through is just your perception of it. Other people might be seeing it differently. With that in mind, understand that it is up to you to take action—consistent action towards your life liberation.


2.  Open your mind.

Remember that sometimes the solutions to our problems lie outside our belief systems. Become open to other healing modalities or systems. What you should focus on is healing your soul


3.  Spend at least 5 minutes every day doing some deep breathing. Through that process, you will be opening up your natural intuition to provide you with the perfect answers. You shall start attracting the right people, or websites that will lead you to a therapist, healer, prayer or life coach that will help you liberate your soul.

Deep breathing

Stay tuned for more.

Have you heard of EFT, the Emotional Freedom Technique? It works miracles to liberate people’s minds, souls, and body.

Click on this link, http://www.tapthegood.com/contact-us.html, fill out the form, send me a brief message about what is going on in your life, and get a free 30 minute consultation.

Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mariah

Author, Certified Holistic Life Coach, and Counselor.


The Impact of Perception:

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The way one perceives a situation has direct impact on future experiences. Our interpretation of our experiences is a mapping of the beliefs that we confirmedly established at some point in the past. A very common perception among “unconscious creators” is that you perceive things the way you do because that is the way things are. Why would I refer to this as a “perceived truth” and not “Higher Truth?” Because the “Higher Truth” is that things are the way they are because of how you “perceive” them to be.


Therefore, in reality, perception is merely an individualized awareness based on a belief that you have established. If the
belief is flawed or self-limiting, the perception that you hold with regard to the belief held will be flawed and self-limiting
as well. And the results that you experience will correlate precisely with what you “perceive” to be true.

This is an exempt taken from the book – Do Not Force It, Tap The Good. This books shares lessons that the whole world can live by.

ttg book cover

Get your copy today from https://www.createspace.com/3594241 or http://www.tapthegood.com

Love and Light

Dr. Mpalyenkana, Jacinta


Free Money; Seriously, Free Money:



I have heard and read the above statement more than a hundred times. Millions of tools and techniques have been suggested on how to make money easily and effortlessly. Although some of these tools do actually work, they miss out the most important part of the equation…the Mind.  Attracting more money is a matter of the mind. It requires us to erase the resistance, self-limiting beliefs about money, negative stories about money, worry, doubt and sadness, in order for us to identify the right paths and strategies to effortlessly make money.

free money

The mind plays a major role in our decisions and actions. If our minds are filled with blockages about what we are trying to achieve, we are sowing our seeds on rocks; nothing will be harvested. The idea is to let go of what is in the way in order to clear the runway for attracting money easily and effortlessly. It is about working smart and not hard.


Assignment: make two lists.

  1. List 1. Write down 10 negative thoughts or stories that you have about money.
  2. List 2. Write the opposite of all the points you made in list 1. For instance, if you gave a negative thought about money in list 1 as “Money creates crime,” in list 2, write; “Money creates peace.” 
  3. Burn list 1.
  4. Read list 2 twice a day for the next 30 days. This will help you erase the negative prompters in your mind about money, and then instill new positive ones.

Remember; it is not the hard work or conscious desire for money that attracts it. It is our unconscious minds that design our destiny.

Dollars funnel.

If you want to get more personal, please contact me for a 30 min complimentary mind investigation Session to evaluate your money blocks, and then design a personalized strategy to help you attract money, and hence enable you to live life on your terms.

Love and light

Jacinta Mariah, Ph.D.

Master EFT Practitioner, Theta Healer and Ho’oponopono Advanced Practitioner


Grounding is the Answer!

floralearthIf you are like me you have labored in the fields of self-improvement for a long time; yet, that illusive, permanent happiness, peace and prosperity remain elusive.

We are promised to achieve eventual attainment of the wonderful state of joy.Grounding 2

With that in mind, we begin the destination-less match on the treadmill to nowhere. However, in spite of the match, or even the robust jog, regardless of how fast we run, or for how long, the distance to our “happiness destination” remains the same. For this very reason, I’m enthused to ask a simple question: Who is it that we are trying so desperately to improve?

May I therefore suggest that the “who” whose life we are trying to repair, does not actually exist outside of a story that was imposed upon us a long, long time ago? May I be so impudent to suggest that we are attempting to make an imaginary person happy? And…may I also suggest that this is an impossible task to take?

Please remember; we cannot improve the lot of a story book character. But we can put down the book and notice that the one reading is not actually in the story. Let’s step off the treadmill and ground ourselves onto solid ground–which is the only answer to finding our true selves. 


Do not Force It, Tap the Good is a  about with philosophical and spiritual tools and techniques that have been proven to ground others. 

ttg book cover

Love and light

Jacinta Mariah, Ph.D.


How to Escape the Enslavement of your Brain.


I recently decided to administer an experiment with intent to establish the extent to which my daily habits were cemented in my unconscious.  To support the proceeding, I moved my toothpaste cup to an opposite cupboard. Every morning I unconsciously went to the original place where I always placed the toothpaste cup only to remember that I had moved it to a different place. It took me about two weeks before I could go straight to the new place without checking in the old one. This proved to me that if a habit as simple as the proceeding had taken me that long to change, how long would it take to change other profound thought processes and beliefs that I have established about myself since childhood? This discovery scared the hell out of me. However what soothed my racing mind was the fact that leaving the toothpaste cup in the new place eventually became the new habit.  Soon, I was able to go straight to the new location without much thought.


How does the above relate to escaping the enslavement of our brains?


It all comes down to one thing. Everything we do on a daily basis is grabbed by the brain as a sensation and manufactured into a habit. Every habit becomes the blue print of our experiences. Imagine that you’ve been thinking negatively for a long time. The brain will manufacture everything in your world to be in congruence with your most predominate thoughts.


Start today by changing a simple self-limiting thought about yourself. For instance, if you’ve been telling yourself that you are fat, tell yourself several times that you have the perfect weight.

Begin with simple things, and then build up by changing all those negative thoughts about yourself.


  1. The first step is writing down all the things you think are negative about yourself.
  2. Write down everything that is not working in your life.
  3. Then write down the opposite attributes of the list in step 1, and what you want to happen instead in step 2.
  4. Read your new list in no. 3 — three times a day.


This will eventually re-wire your brain to navigate for what you want.


If you want to get more personal, check out my life changing coaching sessions from www.tapthegood.com.

Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mariah

Master EFT Practitioner, Theta Healer, Reiki Master, Certified Life Coach

