Moment of Inspiration: What to do When Feeling Confused

So, there you are feeling confused and probably uninspired. You might feel as if you are stuck in a mental or emotional box and have no clue about how to get out or move on. It could be that you have to make a decision and you don’t know the right decision to make. So, what do you do? How do you snap out of it?

The Solution:

Close right eyes and look for the confusion in your mind. Find out what it looks like, its shape, color, and whether it is mobile or static. How far is this confusion from you?

If you did the exercise right you will discover that whatever you came up with to represent the confusion was just your imagination. You imagined it into existence. You made it up. If you are lucky and came up with nothing, then you also discovered that confusion is just a thought–a believed thought that you have decided to title, confusion. Just because you don’t know what to do yet, doesn’t brand you confused.

Do not believe your thoughts. Observe the “confusion” as something separate from you. Know that it is not you. And you don’t owe it your attention. Don’t fight to let it go. Let it be but deny it your perception or interpretation; just let it float in your consciousness and if you stand your ground without mentally moving to join it, it will dissolve into obvium.

Remember that you are the one who is always aware of things, situations and thoughts. And you can remain as the awareness.

Love and light

The Magic in Life’s Pains


“Sometimes whatever you think is killing you might actually be resurrecting you.” ~ Jacinta Murray

I went under the blankets and tried to shake myself to sleep but couldn’t. I coiled up in a ball and held myself for comfort but the hurt in my heart kept oozing through my senses like dogs let out of a restricted area.

It was 10.00 a.m. on a Monday morning, a day and time when I would normally be working or taking care of other business, yet I was in bed–seeking refuge in the bedding. I had hit rock bottom yet once again. Someone very close to me, someone I loved and trusted very much had done something that I had clearly told them not to do. They had betrayed my trust, and this wasn’t the first time. The pain was rooted more on the betrayal and less on the loss. Additionally, a few days earlier, I had received news about my immigration petition. They had sent me a notice with intent to deny: and this was like the 7th time they were denying my appeals. I just didn’t know what to do. I felt as if I had subconsciously made a contract with the devil.

I was in pain…emotional pain that I started feeling physically in areas I didn’t even know could feel pain. But somewhere somehow I knew that although I felt beaten and trashed by life, I had to get my broken-self together and figure out how to move forward. It was up to me.

Why am I Telling You This?

When I got up, I prayed for help from God…the Universe. And this quote came in my mind.

“Sometimes whatever you think is killing you might actually be resurrecting you.”

I recited the quote all day because it gave me hope and inspired me to accept what I perceived as horrible for my life, as part of the divine plan, and then move forward with confidence that there was magic in this pain.

It is because of these experiences that my heart opened up a bit more. I learned to be more compassionate to others–especially those who were experiencing similar incidents. I was forced to learn how to forgive from the heart and mind–which is releasing all doubt and the accrued negative emotions from my memory.


My recent book of quotes, 193 Serenity Quotes: Inspirational, Thought Provoking, Empowering, Heart Warming Quotes designed With Your Happiness, Peace and Hope in Mind, is filled quotes that will inspire you and propel you to think beyond appearances.

And I pray that these quotes trigger your own revelations and solutions to help you find the magic in your life’s struggles.

Get your copy today

Are You Ready to Become a Millionaire??

Have I caught your attention? 🙂 I hope so. One thing I know about the human race, is that we all want more for ourselves. Now, “more” is very different for everyone. Some people want to become millionaires, others, better cars, or upgraded cellphones. The point in emphasis is that if you want to achieve a goal or status higher than where you are right now, you also have to prepare your mind for it.

In this video, I share 4 steps to help one prepare his/her mindset for greater things.

Please share the video with others who might want some motivation today.

Sending you God’s love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana




Free Your Thinking

Thinking man

In thinking of any form of abundance in any respect do not think in terms of tangible manifestations of it, but rather of the spiritual cause, the idea, the law according to which it becomes manifest. Appearances change, things come and go, but there forever remains the ways and the means for other things to become manifest in your experience. You will always be able to add two and two and get four as an answer. You will always be able to release a rock from your hand and have it fall to the ground. In everything you are, do, and experience you are fundamentally dealing with basic principles and causes.  These never become exhausted, never refuse to work, but all too often it is felt that they do when they appear to, the fault lies not in them but in your limited idea as to what they can do for you.


Therefore, regardless of what it is you feel you should have more of, whether it is wealth, success, health, better relations with others, or more sales, they all resolve themselves back to the thought pattern and your internal representations…i.e., beliefs and mind paradigms. A greater experience of anything first requires awareness that the possibility is available to you, and then a desire and willingness to accept it.


Do Not Force it, Tap the Good: How to Tap into Your Infinite Potential, Develop a Profound Positive Attitude, and Life on Your Terms, is a book that will help you examine your belief systems, eliminate what doesn’t serve you, and give you the proven tips to develop impeccable self-esteem, confidence, and faith in life and God (or a higher being…whatever “God” means to you.)

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Book links –,

Remember, March 1st, is Global Worry-free Day. It’s up to you to decide what you want to do with this day. Please spread the word.

Sending you God’s love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA

Author, Counselor, Coach

Rich Thoughts, Poor pessimism

It’s often said that the quality of our thoughts determines the quality of our experiences. Thoughts are the lens through which we see and interpret the world.


However, thoughts do not create reality per say. Apparently, reality can neither be created nor destroyed. Thoughts are what determine the realities that we experience. If we choose to think rich healthy thoughts, then we achieve two things:

(i) We experience a rich and healthy emotional state.

(ii) We starve the negativity.


Therefore, considering that energy flows where attention dwells, rich thoughts equate to poor pessimism: “poor” in regards to being denied the focus.

I’m aware that the topic of positive thinking is not new. Millions of visionaries, teachers and self-development personalities have written about, and discussed the power of our thoughts—due to the complexity and depth of our negative programming. We’ve been so immensely programmed to live in illusion: worrying about things that don’t, or no longer exist: depending on other people’s stories or our past experiences to forecast the future: holding onto negative emotions from our past experiences as if they serve us: blocking the flow of life, and the power in the now.

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Whatever situation you are facing today remember that you have the power to choose which thoughts and states to focus on.

One tip is to go back to the positive state or event right before the negative one happened…the one that is currently bombarding your emotions with negativity. Then, focus on the positive state as you tap into the related positive emotions. Dive into this picture, embrace the positive states. Feel the good feelings you felt during that experience. Then anchor in these emotions by placing your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Every time you feel a negative emotion, place your tongue to the roof of your mouth for a few minutes. This should help you get in touch with the positive state that you anchored.

This process will help you remember that you are not your emotions. You are more. You can hence become a witness, which then empowers you to ease the grip that these emotions have on your feelings.

Thirsty for more? Check out my book – Do Not Force It, Tap The Good. This book shares lessons that the world can live by.

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Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, PhD, MBA

Author, Speaker, Counselor, Success Coach/Mentor

Cell: 818-862-1182