Tired of Attracting Abusive Men? 3 Tips to Unlock The Subconscious Related- Chains


Are you sick and tired of attracting abusive men?

You might have daddy issues. Read on!!

It is not only biologically vital but also spiritually imperative to grow up with our parents, mom and dad, or the equivalent, for us to develop and sustain positive-infused mindsets. Although overlooked, without both your parents in the picture as a child, you are bound to search for whoever was missing in the people you meet in your adult life. And that can be very frustrating.

Note that one is also impliedly psychologically and emotionally abused if their father or father figure was always absent in their younger days.

In this article, you will identify one of the problems created by not having a father figure or having an abusive one, and learn three simple techniques that will liberate you from this problem in order to develop healthier relationships with the men in your life.

The Problem:

Without a father figure in your life, you miss out on the security and comfort that a father figure provides (especially one with a healthy mind). A father is literally the first adult male you are introduced to, or is supposed to be introduced to when you are born. As such, he represents men in general and especially how men relate or should relate to women. Your father introduces you to the first standards that you believe every man should possess. If you saw your father treating your mom with respect, you tend to attract or choose men who understand how to treat a woman with respect.

If especially you witnessed your father abusing you or any other members of your family and never stopped abusing them, and/or never apologized, chances are that you have subconscious anger that’s not only directed towards your father, but all men.  The consequences are that you will continue unconsciously seeking out men with behaviors similar to your dad with hope that they might abuse you and then apologize to make up for what your father didn’t do. However, even if you attract men who are apologetic for abusing you, they will not compensate for your father’s abuse. Therefore, you will continue seeking for abusive men, over and over again until you deal with your early father-figure programming.

Daddy issues

The Solution:

Note that the tips I share below are not exhaustive of all the techniques and tools that you can employ to heal your early negative father-programming.


Take time and write all your early father negative experiences, or no-father negative experiences. Be as detailed as possible. To guide you, you can answer the following questions:

  1. What exactly happened?
  2. Who was there?
  3. What did your father do, didn’t do, or should have done?
  4. In case you didn’t have a father figure as a child, how did this make you feel?
  5. How did those experiences make you feel about your father and men in general?
  6. How did these experiences make you feel about yourself?

Re-examine all the related feelings about yourself that were developed because of your earlier father/no father negative programming

Go through this simple EFT and Ho’oponopono to stop attracting abusive relationships session 

Click HERE to access the video recording.

If you want more, order the Daddy Issues Meditation CD from http://tapthegood.com/spiritualservices/


Or buy my book (Love, Men and Money: How to Attract and Retain them) with detailed EFT and counseling scripts at www.tapthegood.com/books/ or from Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Love-Men-Money-Attract-Retain/dp/1480094897/


Or sign up for my complimentary 30 minutes consultation session to set up counseling sessions that are guaranteed to help you take your power back from the negative past in order to live life on your terms.

Click HERE to sign up.

Dr. Jacinta Mpa, Ph.D., MBA, is a published author, counselor and transformational coach. For more about her, visit www.tapthegood.com.

Subscribe to her YouTube Channel to take advantage of the complimentary counseling or coaching videos – http://www.youtube.com/user/MsJacent

Twitter – @cinta_mcinta

LinkedIn – http://www.linkedIn.com/drjacintampalyenkana/

Face book – https://www.facebook.com/tapthegood/



  • Have you ever felt rejected?

  • How do you know that you were rejected? 

  • Do you believe that you can change the terms you use to explain your experiences in order to perceive them in a healthier way?

  • Do you know that you can never be, will never be, and have never been rejected? 

  • Check out this video for my take on the subject.  Link to video – https://youtu.be/og_H0imtwOg

    For our upcoming events, please click on this link

Link to our February 2018 event – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-mind-spirit-rebirth-and-rejuvenation-seasonal-seminar-tickets-40745783736

Jacent Mpalyenkana, Ph.D., MBA is a counselor, transformation coach, trainer, published author and professional speaker. Check out her website at http://www.tapthegood.com, for more about her.



It is Time to Surrender – 3 Proven Psychological Steps to Help you Surrender

Are you attached to a desire or goal and finding it hard to surrender to the process?

Does your passion/desire for your goal stress you out?

Are you worried that you might not achieve your goal?

Well, maybe it is time to surrender. And to do so, I have recorded this VIDEO with 3 proven psychological tools to help you detach from your goal, and instead focus on the goals as you also enjoy every moment of the process.

I know this will help.

Link to video – https://youtu.be/F2qpkBwEtqs

Please do not forget to share with friends or family who might need these tips.

Love and light.

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, PH.D., MBA

Author, Spiritual Counselor, Corporate Trainer, Speaker




Feeling Stressed Out? Three Tips to Inspire You

I recently went through an experience that left me feeling beaten and broken. I felt as if I was behind a curtain. I felt as if my true intentions weren’t understood. I felt betrayed, weak and discouraged. I felt misjudged, isolated and rejected.


Now, you will agree that such feelings can leave one in a state of emotional warfare. Yet I knew that I had to get up. I knew that I couldn’t control anyone else but myself. I had to take my power back, and determine the way I wanted to feel regardless of what anyone else thought or felt about me. I had to continue following my dreams, and focusing on my goals. I had to feel good again which is the only way that would enable me to wake up and try at this thing called life. I needed inspiration to keep going .

In this video, I share three tips that I employed to feel inspired. I hope they help you feel inspired. Please share the video with anyone you know needs some inspiration today.

Link to video – https://youtu.be/c1PxuWSjDpg


Have a good week.

Love and light




3 Proven Tips to Sustain a Healthy Relationship


Did you know that one of the main factors that impact our emotions is problematic relationships? For the most part, every problem that we experience is related to another person. Therefore, managing relationships, or identifying which relationships work, is vital to sustaining emotional health.

In this VIDEO, I, and my co-host, Jay, discuss three proven tips that will sustain a healthy relationship.

Please click HERE to access the video.


Remember, the first relationship that you have to deal with in order to be successful at other relationships is the relationship with yourself.

Looking for a good book to facilitate your emotional advancement? Check out, Do not Force it, Tap the Good: How to Tap Into One’s Infinite Intelligence, Develop a Profound Positive Mindset, and Live Life on his/her Terms. 

High Resolution Front Cover.3594241

Jacinta Mpalyenkana, is a Transformational Coach, Counselor and Empowerment Speaker. To learn more about her services, please check out her website at http://www.tapthegood.com



Going Through Hell? 5 Ways to Liberate Your Life:

Going through hell

Going through hell? Been there. There are times in my life when I felt as if I had a concrete and eternal contract with Satan himself. Everything in my world seemed to be crumbling. I took one step forward, and then 1000 steps backwards. There is nothing I did that made me feel happy or purposeful. I was eventually short of answers and tools to try and liberate my soul. I didn’t know what else to do. Suddenly, I stopped. I stopped searching; stopped looking for answers; and just lived every moment as it prevailed.

If you are experiencing havoc in your life, I hope the following 5 steps help you remember that every beginning has an end. As long as it is a challenge, it has a solution. There are no questions without answers.

  1. Wake up every morning and breathe deeply for at least 30 minutes. As you breathe, imagine that you are breathing in pure positive energy, and breathing out all the negativity.


  1. As you take a shower, repeat the statement; “I release all that no longer serve me”— over and over again until you are done with the shower.


  1. During the day when worries and sadness creep in, breathe deeply. Imagine that you are breathing in a white healing light from God, and breathing out all that no longer serve you.

 Light of God

  1. Drink a lot of water. And as you ease yourself, repeat the statements; “I’m releasing all that no longer serve me.”

 drinking water

  1. Before you go to bed, say out loud, “From this very moment, and as I sleep tonight, my unconscious mind is liberating my spirit, freeing my mind, empowering my soul, and branding me to live a full life.”


I encourage you to go through this exercise for as long as you can, at least until you feel better about your life. Remember that the answers we seek are all engrained inside of us.

If you want someone to talk to, contact me for a complimentary 30 minutes phone or online session. I’m only this email away –  author@tapthegood.com

Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA

Author, Counselor / Success Coach
