4 Psychologically Proven Ways to Manage Your Time

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time”

  • We all have 24 hours in a day. However, it is amazing how others have been able to achieve more and others less. In this article I share 4 psychologically proven ways to help you manage your time more efficiently.
  • Identify areas of your life where you are wasting time and try to reduce these. A good way to do this is to log everything you do for a week in meticulous detail and then examine your record to see how you use (or misuse) your time.waste-time
  • Develop a regular work routine. Keep your work space tidy so that you can work efficiently – it’s hard to do this if things you need to find are buried under a pile of papers.Neat-and-Organized-Work-Desk-700x466
  • Work to schedule so that you meet deadlines in good time; don’t leave everything until the last minute


  • Use a time log

One useful way to eliminate wasted time is to use a time log. First you need to make up a chart for the next seven days divided into half hour intervals starting at the time you get up and finishing at the time you go to bed. Write down what you did in each half hour of the day for the next seven days. Choose a typical week.

At the end of the week examine your time log and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are there any periods that I could use more productively?
  • At what time of day do I do my most effective work? Some people are most alert in the morning, whilst others concentrate best during the afternoon or evening. Schedule your most important tasks for these times of day.

If you have followed the above tips, by now you should be able to identify ways in which you could manage your time more efficiently.

happy face

To access more valuable free resources on how to manage your time more effectively, please subscribe to our blog, and join our face book page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/135779656849289/

If you want to take this even further, check out my website at www.tapthegood.com/contact/, fill in the details, and I will schedule a 15 minutes complimentary session to get you started on how to live life on your terms.

Love and light

Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA

Counselor, Author, Professional Speaker, Success Coach
