When we experience negative conditions for extended periods of time, our psychological minds accept the conditions as the truth. When we decide to release these conditions from our subconscious minds where they log as prompters upon which we project the world, we meet resistance. Consequently, we self-sabotage; and this is inevitable until we release it.

Therefore, the first step towards liberating our subconscious minds from negative prompters is to denounce and release all resistance to healing. In this session, you will denounce, release, and take your power back from all resistance to healing that could be logging in your subconscious mind and in all energies and systems in your body.

To get into the extended, detailed version of this session, get the book, Command: 21 Days of Affirmative Prayer and Counseling, Using the Mirror Method to Cleanse Your Subconscious Mind and Command Your Life Back to Divine Order.

Link to the book – https://www.amazon.com/Command-Counseling-Affirmative-Cleanse-Subconscious/dp/B099TLRHSV


The snivel of Self Sabotage:

Before I learnt about the true meaning and implications of self sabotage, I always considered it an attitude of the weak, and negative minded. Little did I know then, that self-sabotage logs in almost everyone’s unconscious mind, especially those who have gone through unpleasant situations in their lives.  This self sabotage awaits to block the host’s success whenever opportunities present themselves.

Self sabotage is therefore not to be ignored. It is like a vampire that sucks onto one’s enthusiasm to change his/her situation, and feeds into procrastination, laziness and “excuses manufacturing.” I call it “excuses manufacturing” because I have related to some of the most determined self ‘sabotagers’ in this world.  Believe me; they certainly manufacture excuses profoundly and instantaneously.

A friend of mine was laid off a couple of years back, and to date he is still unemployed. Moreover, he is highly educated, energetic and a prayer warrior.  I tell you, when this guy starts praying, you will think that God is in the room listening. If his prayers were directives, he would be in Donald Trump’s social class. However, surprisingly, he remains financially handicapped, and everything in his life continues to fall apart. It came to a point when he could neither feed himself, nor pay his bills. Then the eviction notice came in. He was taken to court, and in time, became homeless. What is ironic is that he had a loving family in Florida who had encouraged him for months to move back. They promised to take care of him, and also find him a job. But he didn’t want to leave Los Angeles because “he had friends here.” Sadly when he found himself homeless, none of his “friends” came to his rescue.

I also attempted to connect several job opportunities for him, but he always found reasons; “It is too far; I hate driving on the freeway; I don’t like the name of the company you are trying to connect me to; I can’t do that job; it is too cheap; I am not comfortable with doing the job.”  Indeed, he was the “reasons man.”

This is but one of the examples that exemplify the traits of a self sabotager.

Do you self sabotage yourself? Don’t answer that. Rather, for the next couple of days, evaluate the things you have been putting off, and examine the reasons you have for not pursuing these things. More still, examine your fears. Find out if they are valid. Begin focusing on yourself and look out for the excuses you give for not pursuing certain things. Also, are you where you wanna be in life? If not, then find out the part you have played in creating your current reality.


