Advanced EFT with Inner child work to resolve Daddy Issues – Session 1 |

Daddy issues will not discriminate against you whether you are a man or woman, and/or the choice of your sexuality. Implying that, as a child if your father wasn’t the man you expected or wanted him to be, this is going to affect your adult relationships. Note that your father’s behavior whatever it was, has determined your beliefs about men in general. The relationship you had or didn’t have with your father is the foundation upon which you know how to relate with your partner(s), and other people.

In these EFT series I will be using EFT (The Emotional Freedom Technique) to help you to resolve conflicts and negative stories reflecting on your father.

Please remember to go through this session for at least 14 days for it to be effective.

If you want more personalized sessions send me an email at Or simply visit my website at and follow the instructions of how to sign up for a session.

In the interim, I’m sending you abundant love from love from my heart to yours.

Love and light


Invoking Christ Consciousness to Break all Agreements With Dark Entities

source-2Dark entities, negative spirits and other angry ancestral spirits can create havoc in one’s life. It takes more than wishful thinking or simple therapy to release the grip on them.

In this POWERFUL prayer, I invoke Christ Consciousness and the angelic realm to break all codes, contracts, agreements and associations plus the grip on this darkness.

Open your heart and allow the healing to take place.

If you need more work done, I specialize in helping clients release and heal from dark stuff.

Contact me if you need help. 

In the meantime, listen to this prayer every day for the next 9 days.

Sending you peace and blessings.

Tired of Attracting Abusive Men? 3 Tips to Unlock The Subconscious Related- Chains


Are you sick and tired of attracting abusive men?

You might have daddy issues. Read on!!

It is not only biologically vital but also spiritually imperative to grow up with our parents, mom and dad, or the equivalent, for us to develop and sustain positive-infused mindsets. Although overlooked, without both your parents in the picture as a child, you are bound to search for whoever was missing in the people you meet in your adult life. And that can be very frustrating.

Note that one is also impliedly psychologically and emotionally abused if their father or father figure was always absent in their younger days.

In this article, you will identify one of the problems created by not having a father figure or having an abusive one, and learn three simple techniques that will liberate you from this problem in order to develop healthier relationships with the men in your life.

The Problem:

Without a father figure in your life, you miss out on the security and comfort that a father figure provides (especially one with a healthy mind). A father is literally the first adult male you are introduced to, or is supposed to be introduced to when you are born. As such, he represents men in general and especially how men relate or should relate to women. Your father introduces you to the first standards that you believe every man should possess. If you saw your father treating your mom with respect, you tend to attract or choose men who understand how to treat a woman with respect.

If especially you witnessed your father abusing you or any other members of your family and never stopped abusing them, and/or never apologized, chances are that you have subconscious anger that’s not only directed towards your father, but all men.  The consequences are that you will continue unconsciously seeking out men with behaviors similar to your dad with hope that they might abuse you and then apologize to make up for what your father didn’t do. However, even if you attract men who are apologetic for abusing you, they will not compensate for your father’s abuse. Therefore, you will continue seeking for abusive men, over and over again until you deal with your early father-figure programming.

Daddy issues

The Solution:

Note that the tips I share below are not exhaustive of all the techniques and tools that you can employ to heal your early negative father-programming.


Take time and write all your early father negative experiences, or no-father negative experiences. Be as detailed as possible. To guide you, you can answer the following questions:

  1. What exactly happened?
  2. Who was there?
  3. What did your father do, didn’t do, or should have done?
  4. In case you didn’t have a father figure as a child, how did this make you feel?
  5. How did those experiences make you feel about your father and men in general?
  6. How did these experiences make you feel about yourself?

Re-examine all the related feelings about yourself that were developed because of your earlier father/no father negative programming

Go through this simple EFT and Ho’oponopono to stop attracting abusive relationships session 

Click HERE to access the video recording.

If you want more, order the Daddy Issues Meditation CD from


Or buy my book (Love, Men and Money: How to Attract and Retain them) with detailed EFT and counseling scripts at or from Amazon at


Or sign up for my complimentary 30 minutes consultation session to set up counseling sessions that are guaranteed to help you take your power back from the negative past in order to live life on your terms.

Click HERE to sign up.

Dr. Jacinta Mpa, Ph.D., MBA, is a published author, counselor and transformational coach. For more about her, visit

Subscribe to her YouTube Channel to take advantage of the complimentary counseling or coaching videos –

Twitter – @cinta_mcinta

LinkedIn –

Face book –

The Source of Inventions: An excerpt from the Book: Do Not Force It, Tap The Good


Inventions are available to each of us if we open up our minds to them. It is both simple and exciting. If you want to come up with a new idea or service, begin focusing entirely on everything you do. As you go about your day, if you feel uncomfortable about anything you are doing, stop. Begin thinking about ways, means, or products that would have made your activity more comfortable or enjoyable to do.


An invention is the gap between the uncomfortable and comfortable levels. That is how cell phones were made, to bridge the gap between the discomfort of having to look for someone all over the place, and the comfort of just picking up the phone and reaching them wherever they are.


The next thing to do is search the Internet for any similar products or services that you think can bridge the identified gap. If there are none, then you have an invention. That idea right there is what you can turn into a mega product or service. The only work for you to do is to develop the confidence in the idea and pursue it limitlessly without letting anyone or anything discourage you. Remember, if you want it bad enough, you will get it.


ttg book cover

Love and Light

BUSTED! 10 Lies Your Mind Feeds You Every Day & How to Challenge Them| BE THE BOSS OF YOUR DECISIONS!

The ego mind has a way of raining on our parades and convincing us that our thoughts are the truth. We think about 10.000 thoughts daily, most of which are repetitive, and negative–and in this case, lies.

Being mindful and observing your thought patterns is key to changing your mental and emotional states, and hence your experiences. In this video, I share 10 common lies that the mind tries to convince us to be our truth. I also offer suggestions on how to challenge these lies.

Remember to subscribe, like and share this video to loved ones who might benefit.

Thanks for watching, and visiting my channel.

Love and light – Your center personal transformation and spiritual counseling services.

REPROGRAM your Mind for SUCCESS with These Powerful MIRROR AFFIRMATIONS |Start Your Day with VIGOR!

Dive into the world of Mirror Affirmations! This video is your ultimate guide to unlocking their power for a confident, happier you. Please share your experiences in the comments section.

Subscribe, like and share the video with others who might need it.

Remember that repetition is key.

So, use these affirmations every day for 30 days until you believe what they promise.

Love and light


From Stuck to Unstoppable: 10 Actionable Tips to Overcome Self-Imposed Barriers

We all have them – those self-imposed barriers that hold us back from achieving our goals and living our best lives. Whether it’s fear of failure, negative self-talk, or procrastination, these obstacles can keep us feeling stuck and powerless. And sometimes we really wish we could just take the short route to success. But that is not realistic. We have to do the inner work. We have to go within and identify where, and how we are playing it short. Remember, as within, so with out. If you want the image in the mirror to change, change the image. If you want your external world to change, change your inner world.

The good news is that we don’t have to stay stuck. There are things we can do to overcome these barriers and break free from our self-imposed limitations.

Here are 10 actionable tips to help you get unstuck and unstoppable:

1. Identify your barriers.

The first step to overcoming any obstacle is to identify it. What are the specific things that are holding you back? Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can start to develop a plan to address it.

2. Challenge your negative thoughts.

We all have negative thoughts from time to time. But if these thoughts are allowed to fester, they can become self-fulfilling prophecies. When you catch yourself having a negative thought, challenge it. Ask yourself if it’s really true. Is there evidence to support it?

3. Focus on your strengths.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Instead of dwelling on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? When you focus on your strengths, you’ll start to feel more confident and capable.

4. Set realistic goals.

Don’t try to do too much too soon. Set small, achievable goals for yourself. And as you achieve these goals, gradually increase the difficulty.

5. Take action.

The best way to overcome self-imposed barriers is to take action. Don’t just sit around and wait for things to happen. Take steps forward, even if they’re small steps.

6. Don’t be afraid to fail.

Failure is a part of life. Everyone fails at some point. But failure is not the end of the world. It’s an opportunity to learn and grow.

7. Surround yourself with positive people.

The people you spend time with have a big impact on your life. Surround yourself with positive people who will support you and encourage you.

8. Celebrate your successes.

Take the time to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. Celebrating your accomplishments will help you stay motivated.

9. Never give up.

There will be setbacks along the way. But don’t give up. Keep moving forward and you will eventually achieve your goals.

10. Believe in yourself.

The most important thing is to believe in yourself. You have the power to overcome any obstacle. And when you start believing in yourself, you will realize where the blockages are. Your inner wisdom will advise you about what has to be done to achieve your inner freedom.

Overcoming self-imposed barriers is not easy. But it’s worth it. When you break free from your limitations, you open up a world of possibilities.

So if you’re feeling stuck, don’t give up. Take action and start overcoming your self-imposed barriers today.

Additional tips:

  • Find a mentor or coach who can support you on your journey.
  • Read books and articles about overcoming self-imposed barriers.
  • Join a support group or online forum.
  • Talk to a therapist or counselor if you need additional help.

Remember, you are not alone. Many people have overcome self-imposed barriers and achieved great things. You can too. If you want to be inspired read stories of people like, Steve Harvey, and Les Brown–among others.

With hard work and dedication, you can break free from your limitations and achieve your dreams.

I believe in you!

If you need help, you can hire my transformational coaching and spiritual counseling services.

For more about me, please visit at

Love and peace.


It takes time and effort to change your habits, but it’s possible to break free from negative thinking and cultivate a more positive mindset. With practice, you can learn to focus on the good things in your life and build a more fulfilling and happy life.

It is vital to pay attention to our thought patterns and emotions. That way, we can see identify what, and how we need to change.

In this video, I share 10 habits that will keep you trapped in negativity.

Love and light


Unleash the warrior within and ignite your personal power with this transformative solar plexus chakra healing session. Harness the ancient wisdom of Ho’oponopono affirmations to awaken your inner strength, courage, and self-belief. Rise to your full potential and embrace your limitless possibilities.

Embark on a journey of profound transformation and awaken the radiant being within.

Are you ready to:

1. Unlock your hidden potential?

2. Overcome limiting beliefs and patterns?

3. Dissolve your lineage debt and family tree negative contracts?

4. Create a life aligned with your deepest purpose? If so, then Tap The Good spiritual counseling and transformational coaching services are for you.

Through personalized guidance and support, you will:

1. Discover your true self

2. Unleash your inner power

3. Create a life of fulfillment and joy Schedule your free consultation today and take the first step towards a life of limitless possibilities.

Send an email to to schedule your complimentary discovery session.

Don’t wait any longer. It’s time to invest in yourself and your future.

Love and light

10 Signs They Don’t Love You, and How to Deal with this:

Love is a complex emotion, and it can be difficult to tell if someone truly loves you. Sometimes, the signs are subtle, while other times they are more obvious. However, your intuition will be your newsman. It will silently broadcast feelings of doubt about your relationship. Despite the signs you might see or likewise, your intuition will nudge, and attempt to help you redirect your attention to what is truly happening. Simplified, if you’re wondering if your partner still loves you, here are 10 signs to look out for:

1. They don’t make you feel loved and appreciated.

When someone loves you, they should make you feel loved and appreciated. This doesn’t mean they have to shower you with compliments all the time, but they should make an effort to show you that they care. If your partner doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, or if they constantly criticize you, it’s a sign that they may not love you.

2. They don’t spend time with you.

Everyone needs their own space, but if your partner is constantly canceling plans or making excuses not to see you, it’s a sign that they may not be interested in spending time with you. If they make time for their friends and hobbies but not for you, it’s another sign that their feelings for you may be fading.

3. They don’t communicate with you.

Communication is essential in any relationship. If your partner doesn’t communicate with you openly and honestly, it’s a sign that they may not be invested in the relationship. If they avoid talking about important topics or if they’re constantly shutting you down, it’s a red flag.

4. They don’t support your goals and dreams.

A loving partner should be your biggest supporter. If your partner doesn’t support your goals and dreams, or if they try to discourage you from pursuing them, it’s a sign that they may not be the right person for you.

5. They’re not affectionate.

Physical touch is an important part of any romantic relationship. If your partner is no longer affectionate with you, or if they seem to avoid physical contact, it’s a sign that their feelings for you may have changed.

6. They’re always critical of you.

A loving partner should accept you for who you are. If your partner is constantly criticizing you or putting you down, it’s a sign that they may not respect you. The climax is when they become abusive–which is also a sign that emotional discomfort is their prominent inner state. So, they project their pain in how they treat themselves, others, and you.

7. They’re not honest with you.

Trust is essential in any relationship. If your partner is not honest with you, or if they’re constantly lying to you, it’s a sign that they may not respect you or value your trust.

8. They’re secretive.

If your partner is secretive about their life or their activities, it’s a sign that they may not be trustworthy. A loving partner should be open and honest with you about everything.

9. They’re emotionally unavailable.

If your partner is emotionally unavailable, it means that they’re not able to connect with you on an emotional level. This can be due to a number of factors, such as past trauma or insecurity. If your partner is emotionally unavailable, it’s going to be difficult to have a fulfilling relationship with them.

10. They’re not interested in your future together.

If your partner is not interested in making plans for the future with you, or if they seem hesitant to commit to you, it’s a sign that they may not see a future with you. A loving partner should be excited to build a life with you.

If you’re seeing any of these signs in your relationship, it’s important to talk to your partner about your concerns. It’s possible that they’re not even aware that they’re doing these things. If you can communicate openly and honestly with each other, you may be able to work through your problems. However, if your partner is unwilling to change or if they’re not interested in working on the relationship, it may be time to move on.

Here are some additional tips for dealing with a partner who doesn’t love you:

  • Don’t blame yourself. It’s important to remember that you’re not to blame if your partner doesn’t love you. It’s not your fault that they’re not able to give you the love and support that you deserve.
  • Set boundaries. It’s important to set boundaries with your partner, especially if they’re not treating you well. Let them know what behaviors you are and are not willing to tolerate.
  • Take care of yourself. It’s important to take care of yourself during this difficult time. Make sure you’re eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and spending time with people who love and support you.
  • Know your worth. Ask, “What is my worth?” Why am I still in this relationship? How am I benefiting from this relationship?”
  • Set or remember your relationship goals. In the next article, I write explore this topic further.

If you are seeking spiritual counseling and/or transformational coaching to help you navigate your self-worth, and achieve emotional freedom, reach out to me at

Meanwhile, check out my book, The Sanity Warrior: Becoming the Authority of Your Experiences.

Love and light

25 Spiritual Blocks to Abundance: Uncover the Hidden Roots of Lack, Limitation and Scarcity

This video will explore 25 spiritual root causes of lack, limitation, and scarcity. You’ll learn how to identify these blocks so that you can open yourself up to the abundance that is your birthright.

Join my Wealth Consciousness Mastermind by sending me an email at Spots are limited. We start first week in January, 2024.

Love and light (Your center of spiritual counseling, spiritual healing and transformational coaching)